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It wasn't every time Barrow could see Cale vent his anger so straightforwardly, usually the size in his every action ensured Barrow wouldn't be exposed to even a single harsh word. He is the type of parent who tries to give all the good things in the world.

In front of Barrow, Cale held himself back from cursing, keeping the volume of his voice low and making sure Barrow never saw the way he was glaring at someone. And if he got out of control, there was always a time when Barrow heard him apologizing, of course he'd only had it once.

To Barrow it was kind of funny to see his Father lose some control of being 'kidnapped' to a dinner he didn't want, a person so stubborn and fearless as he could get angry just for being invited to a meal was shocking if nothing less. Still burying his face in the crook of his father's neck Barrow let out a small chuckle. Really, Cale Henituse was more childish than he thought.

“Yes, Cale? Don't you want to sit down first?”

Without even glancing at Barrow he was sure the King still maintained his sun-bright smile.

"Fuck it! I don't need this! Raon!"

Oh? For a moment, somewhat taken aback by Cale's shout, the corners of the smiling Barrow's mouth dropped instantly. He didn't hold back huh? Barrow thought this situation might really be something Cale didn't like, actually what was wrong?

“Come on Cale! This is a rare opportunity!” From his voice this was probably the black haired boy.

So his name is Raon huh? Hmm. Barrow hummed softly, where had he heard that word before?

Searching in his memory, it made his Record suddenly open. Record replays the scene where he witnessed the word. At first glance he even saw his high school years passing followed by the time of the world after the apocalypse. He didn't know how long he had sunk into the Record that was playing statically, randomly and not so clearly so quickly, he couldn't even tell if the memory was real or just a dream memory. Floating in the Record he didn't pay attention to the debates going on around him.

"It's just dinner! The others are coming, too!"

"Precisely because of that! I--"

"Ugh...." Of course, as the impact of the replay of Record made Barrow's young body heat up quickly.

And yes, Cale noticed it too early. He cut off the words of reply to Alberu he was just about to send out, and ran his fingers through Barrow's hair over his shoulder.

"Barrows? Hey!"

His body temperature that rose suddenly took Cale by surprise. He loosened his grip and moved Barrow onto his back in his arms. The wrinkles between his brows couldn't be deeper. As if that wasn't enough, Barrow's body temperature continued to heat up causing him to panic.

"Hey? Barrow?!"

Cale's panic left the others confused.

"What happened?"

The three teenagers huddled together, and Alberu stepped forward with raised eyebrows.

"I-- I don't know! His body suddenly heated up!" Placing his palm on the child's forehead, Cale's panic only grew clearer. "Hey, kid? Darling did you hear me? Alberu the healer! No-- no! Raon!"

The Record Barrow didn't stop, and it kept his body warm, the sweat pouring down his forehead made him want to take off his clothes, but even his body was too weak to even open his eyes.

The moment he felt his body reach its limit, a cold hand was placed on top of his head, and the recording instantly stopped. Barrow blinked at the ceiling, his father's frantic face filling most of his line of sight.

"Are you alright?" Barrow nodded. "What happened to him?" A curious gaze fell on the black-haired teenager.

Raon had not lifted his hand from Barrow's forehead nor was he reluctant to lift his bowed head.

"Dongsaeng?" The red-haired teenager tried to call out. Shaking the shoulders of his silent brother.

"Eh? Ah! No, it's nothing!"

Raon became strange, staring at Barrow with trembling irises.


“Yes? Just say it,” Cale urged, waiting for a response from the stiff-looking teenager.

“That was-- Cale that was--” Raon couldn't explain what he knew. His face was panicked and afraid is paint his expression.

Dongsaeng, is it something dangerous?” The silver-haired girl took over, her stern gaze calming Raon.

"No." He shook his head. "But that... it's Record." Raon's voice came out softly.

Barrow didn't know what was wrong and why Raon knew about his Record, but the heavy and tense atmosphere that everyone in the room shared produced a silence that sent chills down Barrow's spine.


Ever since Barrow was introduced to his father this was one of the rare occasions he wasn't with the tyrannical Count. Instead he was put on the lap of the sword master who was none other than Choi Han himself.

Sitting across from him was a woman with red hair lighter than him, Barrow guessed it might be Rosalyn, the princess of the Breck kingdom who chose to step out of the chair of the ruler to choose her ambition.

"Hi honey! What's your name again?"

For Barrow he had enough with Choi Han who was entered his life. He wasn't that hungry yet but it seemed the food on his plate was more interesting than the red-haired mage up ahead.

A drop of sweat ran down Choi Han's forehead. "You know, you really do look like your father." He poked the cheek of Barrow who was busy chewing the fruit salad in front of him to ignore Rosalyn's question.

"Ugh, I'm hurt." Rosalyn playfully clutched her chest, her expression exaggerated.

Barrow pouts, he's not a kid who is easily fooled by that kind of acting okay? His father had better hurry back because he already wanted to go home. What exactly do they want to talk about all of a sudden?

Just then after Barrow's body calmed down and returned to its normal temperature, Alberu seemed to activate a communication orb that aimed at a female mage who was most likely Rosalyn. Not long after that call, the magic circle under Cale's feet immediately shone again.

With neither of them speaking, Cale and the 3 teenagers moved to let someone else be present in the center of the circle. The black and red hair silhouette slowly revealed its shape as the light of the magic circle dimmed.

"Please stay with Uncle Han for a while."

Barrow turned to Choi Han's hand who received the 3-year-old in surprise.

"Uh but--"

Before finishing his sentence, Cale left a light peck on the child's chubby cheek, making Barrow pause in embarrassment.

"We won't be long."

With that 3 teenagers and 2 adults turned away. Leaving Barrow in his current state, poking innocent fruit salad as he was starting to run out of patience.

"Honey, please don't stab your food like that, okay?" Rosalyn tried to reach for the fork in his hand, but before that could happen the door to the room was slammed open.

All eyes instantly turned to the source of the voice, finding Cale with an unreadable expression and the four people following behind with faces full of complex emotions.

“So? What happened, Cale?”

Instead of answering Choi Han's question, Cale simply took Barrow and sat down on one of the chairs, and Alberu and the three teenagers seemed to take their places.

“Nothing serious,” Cale said, waving his hand.

Was Barrow perhaps missing something or the 4 people's gazes were too strange, especially the way they looked at Cale after his nonchalant answer.

Regardless, Barrow felt as if someone was standing behind him with piercing gazes. Barrow was nervous.

...To Be Countiued...

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