Part 2 New

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I help Terra unpack her stuff. And hear the door open again. We both walk back into the living room area and I see a blond girl and a red head standing in the room. "Hi, I'm Melody." I say with a smile. "Stella." the blond girl says. "Hi, I'm Bloom." the redhead says with a soft smile. The door opens again and I see Musa walking in. "Musa?" I say and she looks at me. "Melody, omg hi!" she says excitedly. She hugs me and I walk into her room. "I didn't know you were going to be here." she says while taking her headphones off. "Me neither." I say sitting on her bed. "Did something happen?" Musa asks. "A lot happened in the last 3 months." I say and she looks worried. "Don't worry Musa, I'm fine." I say with a smile. "No your not, don't lie to a mind fairy." she says and I sigh. "Get out of my head Musa." I say and her eyes turn purple. "Musa." I say with a warning in my voice. "Sorry, I just want to know what happened." she says. "Trust me, you don't." I say while I walk out of the room.

I walk into my room and see Bloom unpacking her stuff. "Need help?" I ask and she looks up. "Don't you need to unpack?" she asks looking around the room. "I'm all done." I say and she smiles. "Well in that case, yes thanks." she says with a smile. I help her unpack for about 15 minutes. Then I get a text.


Hey Melody, are you okay? Haven't seen you for a long while, thought you were on vacation but school starts tomorrow but you're still not home? Where are you?


Hey Alex, I probably should have texted you, 

I'm not coming home neither is my mom. 

I'm sorry.


Oh, that's sad. Well, hope you're doing well.

I sit down on my bed and grab a book. When I get called by Farah Dowling. "Hey." I answer. "Hi Melody, can you maybe come to my office?" she asks. "Yes of course I'll be there in 5." I say and hang up. I stand up and walk out of the dorm into the living room area. I walk out and make my way toward her office when I bump into someone. "Oh sorry, I wasn't looking." I say helping him up. "It's okay, don't worry about it." he says. He wants to say something else but I don't have time and walk further. "That was rude of me, god I will never have friends here." I whisper to myself.

I walk into Dowling's office and she is standing there with Saul Silva. "Goodmorning Melody." he says and I smile. "Morning." I say as I sit down. "Melody we had a few questions for you about your powers and training." Farah says. "Ask away." I say and she smiles. "Are the power blockers helping?" Farah asks. "A little bit, I can still use my powers but I haven't lost control yet so that's good." I say while looking at my arms, which are hidden by a thin sweater. "Do you think you can give a specialist mind protection in a fight or battle?" Silva asks and I look up at him. "Yeah, I think so." I say. "Good, we have made a plan and we would like your opinion on it." Farah says and I look at her surprised. "Okay." I say switching my sitting position. "We want to pair 1 fairy with 1 specialist, so for example Sky has a great mental barrier but sucks under pressure, we want to pair him with a fire or water fairy, what do you think?" Silva asks. "Sound good, as what kind of fairy will I be paired?" I ask and Farah looks down at her hands while trying not to smile. "We will pair you with someone who has the mental barrier of a duck and is bad under pressure." Silva says and I can't help but laugh. "Right, and what happens if I lose control?" I say seriously again. "Let's just hope that doesn't happen." Farah says and I nod. "Thank you for your time Melody, you are dismissed." Farah says and I stand up. "Training starts tomorrow morning at 9." Silva says and I nod.

I make my way back to my dorm when I see 2 guys walking my way. I turn around and make my way to the garden when I hear one call my name. I ignore it and with my light powers make myself invisible. "Where did she go?" one of them asks the other. "Told you she was special, not just an ordinary fairy." the other says. Brown hair, same length, the same voice that's the guy I bumped into 10 minutes ago. He was trying to know who I was. I turn around the corner and make myself visible again. I grab my phone and act like I just finished a conversation. I turn the same corner I just made and see the guys standing there. I keep looking at my phone to see if they got the nerve. "Hey, wait up. We didn't get the time to intruduce ourselves last time." the brown-haired boy says. "I'm Riven." he says right after. "Melody." I say while giving him a soft smile. "Nice to meet you." he says and the blond-haired boy calls his name. "Got to go, see you around! Relax Sky for god's sake!" he says while walking away.

I smile hearing his attitude. I make my way back to my dorm and walk in. I see the girls playing a game and they all look at me when I walk in. "Where have you been?" Terra asks as she makes space for me. "Miss Dowling needed to talk to me." I say and sit down. "We haven't met yet." a girl says and I look up noticing a new face. "I'm Aisha," she says and I smile at her. "Melody." I say and she smiles back. They finish the game and there's a knock on the door. Stella stands up and opens the door. I see Sky and Riven standing in front of the door and Riven waves at me. I wave back and Stella walks out with the guys. "You already met Riven?" Terra says annoyed. "Yes? Is there something wrong with that?" I say concerned. "No it's fine, don't worry about it." she says distend. I look at Musa but she looks just as confused as me. Great the first day isn't even over yet and I already got someone angry. 

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