number 9

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At dream cafe...

Jisung, chenle, haechan and renjun are on the table. No one was talking it was dead silent. Until haechan broke the silence,"so chenle is the one that youre making an announcement with?" What a surprise". "yeah it is him and we just wanted to announce that we-"renjun was cut of by chenle" how about order food first before the announcement? I am just starving right now?"chenle chuckled akwardly. I cant do this anymore.

"Oh sure actually i am also very hungry" jisung said.

Chenle and renjun are ordering their food.

Jisung and haechan were left in their table.
"Why am i feeling so nervous and bad about this announcement that they are gonna make?" Haechan said
Both of them feel so uneasy right now.
"Yeah right i feel the same. Lets just wait until the announcement, it moght not be that bad" jisung said hoping that it will ease their minds.

Chenle and renjun are back in their table again. They started eating in silence. Again it was completely quiet. No sounds can be heard expept for plates and utensils. It was haechan who broke the silence again. "So, mind telling us the announcement now? I mean its been 30 mins since you guys told us that you have an announcement."

"Ehem ehem.. um uhh -ha ahh -umm"chenle stuttered not being able to speak
"Meandthiszhongchenlearedatingnow" renjun said quickly what he said was almost not understood.

When haechan and jisung heard what renjun said, their hearts felt like a plane that crashed to the hard rock. It felt like it broke into pieces and it was hurting them.
Haechan was at the verge of crying but managed to hold it. It hurt so much that he was just speechless.

"On the other hand, chenle was confused, shocked, scared, and nervous

"Umm so yeah umm this is          the announcement. Im sorry i know this was so irrelevant im sorry for wasting your time in this announcement" renjun said. He was actually so scared that this announcement will cause akwardness for the rest of their lives(i know medyo oa toh). He hoped this would not ruin their friendship.

After that announcement, it became really akward between the four. Even if they are with jeno and jaemin, they still keep being akward.

"What's wrong with you four? You guys have been acting really weird for the past 3 days."jeno asked curiously. The four dont talk to each other that much, especially jisung and chenle. They dont even spare glances to each other.

"We are fine dont worry there is nothing wrong" haechan said.

"Hey chenle, jisung,, why are you not talking to eachother? I thought you two were bestfriends?" Jaemin asked

Yeah only until bestfriends, nothing more nothing less. chenle thought

The nomin dont know about renjun and chenle "dating"

"Actually chenle and renjun hyung are dating too" jisung said.

"WHATT?! WHY?!!? jeno and jaemin said in unison.

The four were confused by their reaction, is that good or bad?

Guys im finally back yay!
So um i hope you havent forgotten about this story. Its been so long and i think this is the longest chapter ive ever written. I was to busy with school work, and preparing for different parties and celebrations, it was exhausting. But now i have time to write this chapter for you.

Thank you for reading
And also if you havent read the other chapters i said there that i might add some new characters so just go back to the first chap of this story to see any changes

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