Unexpected Visitors

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Warnings: Cursing, and foul language

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Warnings: Cursing, and foul language...

˜"*°•.˜"*°• ----------*---------- •°*"˜.•°*"˜

{Hogwarts, Great Hall, 2016}

Here you could see the Harrison "Harry" James Potter, with his messy dark brown hair, pretty blue-green eyes and circular glasses framing his face on his right was Harry's female best friend. Hermione Jean Granger with light poufy brown hair and sparkling light brown eyes to match she was reading one of her favorite books "Pride and Prejudice". In front of Hermione and Harry was their other best friend Ronald Bilius Weasley, with short ginger hair and ocean blue eyes. On Rons side was Leo Lyall Lupin-Black he was known for his good looks, with a sharp jaw line, wavy dark hair and chestnut brown eyes, it's no surprise he has a lot of people who want him. Though the friend group is a lot like the Marauders in a way. Leo and Ron were currently seeing how many marshmallows they could fit in their mouths while Harry counted, and Hermione ignored all three of them. A little down the table Ginevra Molly Weasley or Ginny as she prefers was talking to one of her close friends Neville Franklin Longbottom. Ginny has medium length flowing ginger hair her shinning blue eyes with her constant need to deflate males' egos it was no surprise when the young female Weasley announced that she didn't particularly like men. Neville the boy who was speaking to the young female Weasley has straight raven hair pairing it with his hazel eyes that seemed to change colors with the seasons, Nevile had grown into his features quite well over the years though the young Gryffindor had no interest in dating well that's what everybody thought but some who are close to the boy knew he was crushing on a certain blonde Hufflepuff.

At the Slytherin table, Draco Lucius Malfoy, Blaise Elias Zabini and Penthesilea Ancina Parkinson were talking about different conspiracies on what had happened between their flying instructor and muggle studies professor. Draco the boy with natural bleach blond hair with the trademark Black blue-grey eyes, Blaise is the boy with beautiful milk chocolate skin tone his buzzed black hair and deep brown eyes lastly Penthesilea more commonly known as Pansy had collar bone length brown hair that had just recently been grown out, her eyes were a crystal blue almost clear. Down the table was the Snape twins, Alarick Severus Snape and Jasmine Lillian Snape their parents were actually Professors. Alarick has a pale completion with raven curly hair and deep eyes like his father he was sitting at the Slytherin table with his younger sister enough though he was sorted into the Ravenclaw house. Jasmine has straight ginger hair and honey brown eyes with freckles littering her face. Even though the twins were sorted into different houses their bond was tight as ever.

Lastly at the Ravenclaw table two girls were talking about different magical creatures they would like to study. These two females are Luna Pandora Lovegood and Susan Eleanor Bones who was actually a part of the Hufflepuff house she was just sitting at the Ravenclaw table. Luna is like a normal person would say Loony but to someone like Susan, Ginny and Neville Luna is just unique. With her long blonde hair and Spectrespecs framing her face, lifiting up her Spectrespecs you could see Luna's eyes they were a pretty blue and looked like they knew all the unknown secrets of the world. Susan on the other hand has wavy collar bone length dirty blonde hair dark brown eyes and a strong face shape.

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