Chapter 6

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You stared at Jeongin as he was pouring drinks for the customers.

Hours had passed since the two of you had been together in that back room.

And something seemed to have clicked inside your head since then.

The club was getting quite busy and the music was loud. Jeongin had agreed to let you stay even though legally you weren't allowed to. You did suspect he had told his coworkers not to give you anything with alcohol in it though. Jeongin might not tell on you to the guys, but he would protect you in this way.

Not that you were going to order any alcoholic beverages anyway. Your brain already felt doped up enough as it was.

For hours you observed Jeongin, watching him work as you sat at the bar, drinking virgin cocktail after cocktail. The fluttery and hot feeling was still there when you looked at him, and although it annoyed the shit out of you whenever he smiled at some other girl at the bar that he was tending to, the fact that he wasn't standing so close to you helped a bit.

It felt like your brains were being pulled into two.

One part wanted to grab Jeongin's hand, pull him to the backroom and throw yourself at him. Putting your hands through his soft messy hair and connecting your lips to his pink ones.

But the other part wanted to stay here and observe a little longer. See if your suspicions were right about him, and with that about the others...

'Hi there,' A voice spoke over the music. You looked up. A nice-looking blonde guy was standing in front of you smiling friendly.

'Hi?' you said questioningly before looking away. You had no idea who he was and you really didn't feel like talking to anyone right now.

'You go to Miroh University, right?' The guys persisted. You looked up, surprised. 'Don't worry, I'm not some kind of stalker,' he added quickly when he saw your face. 'It's just, I've seen you around,' he shrugged, trying to seem careless.

'Right, not a stalker at all,' you said feeling awkward.

The guy laughed. 'Guess, I had that coming. I'm Adam, by the way,' he said, putting out his hand. You hesitated for a second as you looked at him. There was something familiar about him...

Then it suddenly hit you. He had been the one who had passed you by in school, saying he was going to drop off his sister at the club, thus giving you the idea to hide out here.

'Y/n,' you said, now confident he wasn't a stalker but just someone from school. You took his hand and shook it.

'So, you go to Miroh too?' You asked him, not wanting to let on you had noticed him too, even though it was just once.

Adam nodded. 'Yeah, I'm in my last year of Aerospace Engineering,' he said, pulling a face which made you smile a little.

'That bad, huh?' you asked, taking a sip of your drink.

'Let's just say I'm really happy when it's all over,' he said with a grim face.

'It sounds interesting enough, though,' you said, raising a brow.

'Don't get me wrong, it is, and I'm really looking forward to finally getting into the field for real. It's just, I'm so done with all the lectures and the homework and exams, you know? Honestly, I'm starting to get calluses on my fingers from all the writing,' he said, showing his hand.

Even in the dim lights of the club, you could see the thickened parts of the skin on his hands.

'Don't you use a laptop?' You asked him incredulously.

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