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I was hanging out with Mark, Fredrick, and Simon, like usual. "Mike.. I think you should apologize to y/n-" Simon suggested. He's right, I should apologize to her, but- how?- I've never been the type of guy to apologize to someone. "and who are you to tell me what I should do?" I asked in a rude tone. "Mike, come on, you know, Simon's right. You should apologize to y/n, you literally beat up the guy she went on a date with, and we tried to talk you out of it too, but instead you ignored us." Mark argued. What does he know? "TALK ME OUT OF IT?! You guys were the ones who said to ruin her date!" I yelled, "yeah, ruin her date, we didn't saying to beat the fuck out of zack, we meant that we should just annoy them enough to make them call it off." Fredrick replied. I stayed quiet for a second and sighed, "ok. fine. I'll apologize to y/n."


I can't believe Michael. He lied to me, he told me it was ok. What's his problem? I want him to tell me the truth.... I just want him to be honest with me.

 Suddenly, I felt tears streaming down my cheeks again. I wiped my tears and layed down in my bed. 

I just wish Mike wouldn't lie to me anymore. I need him to tell me the truth. Why does he have to be so confusing?! WHY IS IT SO HARD TO TELL ME THE TRUTH?! but then again.... I can't tell him the truth either, I can't seem to be able to tell him how I feel. I mean, I highly doubt he even likes me back. 

"Y/N! SOMEONE'S HERE FOR YOU!" mom yelled, I ran down stairs, hoping to see Alissa. Nope. Who did I see? Michael Afton. He looked at me and smiled. "Y-" "can it." I said, cutting him off. I grabbed his hand and lead him upstairs. We went to my room and I closed the door so no one would listen to our conversation, "what are you doing here?" I asked. "Y/n, I-"

"listen, Michael, I don't wanna really don't, wan-" "Y/N. PLEASE- WILL YOU JUST LISTEN TO WHAT I HAVE TO SAY?!" he yelled. I sighed, "ok.. go on." I replied, "y/n, I'm so sorry. I really don't know what I was thinking! PLEASE, Y/N! Forgive me? I swear to you, it won't ever happen again!" he apologized. Man, yeah, Michael did beat up zack just because he was jealous, but, Michael could be so sweet. I can't stay mad at him. I can't believe this.

"I guess, I forgive you." I said, he lit up with excitement and picked me up, "THANK YOU Y/N!", "OKOK, PUT ME DOWN!!" I laughed, "by the way, who helped you know what to say?" I asked. "uh, me, duh" he responded. "don't lie, you're not that good with your words!" I said. "Fuck you." he said while laughing, "well, it's the truth!" I replied

(word count: 530)

 will be longer, this is short bc I was fr running out of

Michael Afton x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now