- "There goes the neighborhood." -

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As Winter continued to listen to Queen Snowfall speak, a new voice suddenly chimed in. "Winter's being ridiculous? If so, that's me, I did that! All credit to me! I built his entire sense of humor from the ground up!" Winter slowly turned around to see who it was, even though he already knew. "Oh no," Winter said drily. "There goes the neighborhood."

Qibli strutted forward, grinning. "Aw, I can see it in your eyes; you missed me so much!" he said. Qibli threw one wing affectionately over Winter's shoulders and nudged the side of his neck with his snout. For some reason, Winter felt an odd shiver run down his spine, even though he wasn't cold, (which Icewings never were..) 

"I missed you too, best friend." Qibli said with a warm smile, making Winter roll his eyes and look away, even though his heart felt happy to hear him say that. Queen Snowfall raised her eyebrows at Winter, who said, "I have no idea who this scruffy-snout is."

"His favorite dragon in the world," Qibli said with genuine delight. Winter listened only halfway to Queen Snowfall and Qibli chatting while he was thinking of someone else. 'Where is Moon?' He thought, then shook his head a bit. 'You ridiculous dragon, she's with Qibli now.. but she's still my friend.' 

Winter wondered whether he would ever find the right dragon for him, and when it would happen..

"Alright sand-snorter." ~A Qinter Story~Where stories live. Discover now