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"What the fuck is he on" I said to myself but it actually came out as words

My hand immediately went to my mouth to cover it

I have hands

"I'm not a dog anymore" I said to myself and jumped up

"Who the fuck are you and why are you in my house and where is my dog?" Mattia said

"Ok this is going to sound crazy but I'm Kairi" I said and he gave me look

"Don't fucking lie to me where is my damn dog" He said

"Im not lying did you not see me right before I changed back?" I asked I and he opened his mouth like he was about to say something but no words came out

"And how to you explain that bright ass light?" I asked "or wait was I the only one to see that?" I said back to myself

"I don't understand how a dog could turn Human" He said then looked at the ground confused and I looked at him "I was a human to begin with" I said

20 minutes later

"Wait I still don't understand how someone can just turn you into a dog this doesn't make any sense" He said and I looked at the ground

"I didn't think it was possible my ex was a weird person he was really into witch craft and shit like that but I didn't think that anything like this was possible" I said

"Well what about your parents you have been with me for awhile now they must be worried sick about you" He said and I rolled my eyes

"Fuck then they don't care about me they would have  told the police I was missing a long time ago but they never did they don't care about me I'm not going into detail but I just know they don't" I said and he nodded his head

"Well now that I'm Human I can leave" I said and he looked up at me "where are you going to go? You obviously aren't going to go back to your parents and all your friends think you are missing where are you going to sleep?" He asked and I didn't really think about all that

"I only have 1 friend and he lives in a different town I'm sure he doesn't even know I'm missing we only talk online and I don't know I'll find a place" I said and he shook his head

"You can stay here"he said and I looked at him "you don't even know me, Yea I may have been here for awhile but i was a whole dog I could do anything you can't just trust someone that fast" I said and he smiled

"Well I trust you so it's fine" He said and got up from his bed

"Well what about your parents?" I asked and he sighed "I can make a place in the attic for you" He said "I can make up a lie and you can stay here they are pretty gullible and believe anything" He said and smiled

"It will be fine" he said

Rushed but I'm running out of ideas

Dog|| MairiWhere stories live. Discover now