Chapter 1

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Alexandra was many things, but quiet was not one of them. Even from the age of 7 was she never afraid of letting herself be heard. Alexandra stood in the middle of a nursing home and started singing the music from the concert she was in the night prior. Now at the age of 19 she started to dim. She started to go quiet. That's when her friends Sarah and Lejla decided it was time to drink away our feelings.

Pulling on a her favorite party dress, Alexandra studied herself in the mirror. She sighed out in frustration before sucking in as she turned to the side. Her eyes flickered up and down her form judgement clear in her eyes. 'I'm so fat' she thought before rolling her eyes. Alexandra turned away from the mirror watching in amusement as Sarah and Lejla bickered about who was going to be the DD.

"Guys, why don't you take turns? Someone can drive us there and the other person can drive us home?" They glanced at each other before they each called driving there. Alexandra rolled her eyes walking toward the duo.

"Okay I'll drive us home. Sarah you can drive us there." They both protested telling Alex she couldn't possibly drive them home.

"Alex you can't it's your birthday!" Alex sighed digging through her purse pulling out a small plastic container.

"Guys I'm not even gonna drink. I've got a little something of my own." Alex turned around holding the container up.

"Girl," Lejlacackled taking the jar from Alex's hands opening the top.

"How'd you even get this?" Sarah bit back a laugh as she looked at the paraphernalia. Alex grinned taking the container back.

"Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies," with a wink Alex turned away from her friends and opened up the container. The familiar smell of weed filled Alex's nose as she pulled out the buds breaking them apart. Alex made quick work of rolling the joint making sure everything was good to go for their night out.

"You guys ready?" Alex asked tucking the joint into a plastic baggie and slipped that into her purse.

"We've got to finish our transition videos." Alex groaned aloud dropping her purse on the ground walking back toward the two girls who were deciding which one to do first.

"Guys, please, just one and then I wanna get going." Sarah sent Alex a look almost challenging but soon dissipated remembering why they were all going out in the first place. To cheer Alex up. It is after all her 19th birthday.

One video turned into two, then two turned into four before they all finally agreed to get a move on. Alex glanced up at the time her eyes widening.

"Guys it's almost 11! We have to get there before 12 so we can get in for free," as if they didn't believe her, Sarah and Lejla both checked their phones only for the time to reflect exactly what Alex had told them. Suddenly, as if there was a fire they both bolted out the door wallets and keys in hand.

"I call shotgun!" Alex called holding onto her bag a little tighter her jog turning into a sprint as she rounded the corner to the side of the house.

"Hey!" Lejla called out. Alex turned her head slightly laughing. That was until Alex's foot hit uneven ground and toppled over hitting the ground arms first. Alex grumbled standing up immediately so she could reach the front passenger door before Lejla. And she did just that just with a few extra scuffs.

"Did you just fall?" Sarah laughed unlocking the car. Sending her the bird Alex slipped into the car looking at the damage done to her knees and hands.

"Hey do you still keep those little water bottles in here?" Sarah nodded reaching in the backseat and grabbed Alex one.

"Here you go clumsy," Alex rolled her eyes pulling a few napkins from the center console and started cleaning up the dirt now caked on her knees.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny, now let's go." Sarah rolled her eyes but nevertheless reached behind to hand her purse to Lejla to hold onto for the car ride. Soon enough, the trio made their way downtown belting out the lyrics to their favorite songs.

Alex stopped singing as she thought about the night in front of her. Suddenly, Alex reached forward and turned the radio down.

"Okay so I really appreciate you guys taking me out here, but I would like to leave at 1–at the latest." Alex annunciated the last bit pointing at each girl accusingly. Previously, the girls would try to make her stay out later then she wanted to but this time she hoped since the girls dragged her out here for her sake, they would listen to her advice about staying out later than she wanted to.

"Yeah, yeah, we get it. No staying out after 1. Scouts honor," Lejla spoke giving Alex her best salute. Alex rolled her eyes but appeased her and saluted back.

Soon enough the girls had pulled up to the parking lot that was right across the street from where they were going.

"You ready girls?" Sarah spoke pointing to the club to the left of the trio. Alex nodded pulling out the joint she rolled prior. With a snap of her fingers, the flame from her lighter burned the end of her joint.

"Hey Sarah, can you crack my window?" She nodded clicking the button before climbing into the back seat.

"You guys wanna play a game while we pregame?" Lejla asked pulling the bottle of Bacardi from her bag. Alex cringed at the sight. Bacardi was the reason she doesn't drink anymore.

"What do you have in mind?" Alex spoke before taking a hit.

"How about truth or dare?" Sarah's eyes lit up practically begging us to play. Alex rolled her eyes. She could see this going one if two ways. On one hand, the girls would make it into a drinking game only asking Alex to participate to mix things up.

"Alright if you don't want to answer a question or do a dare you have to drink—or in Alex's case, take a hit." As Lejla spoke, Alex wanted to pull her hair out. It looks like they were going with option two; target Alex until she goes crazy.

"Truth or dare Alex?" She waved Sarah off taking a long drag from her joint.

"Skip." Sarah rolled her eyes as she carefully poured herself a shot.

"You can't just skip that's against the rules. Don't be a bitch," Sarah spoke as she poured a shot for Lejla Alex pinched the bridge of her nose taking a deep breath.

"Fine, I'll play." Alex exhaled, shrugging her shoulders.

"I guess for your question I will pick dare," Lejla turned to Sarah whispering something in her ear. Sarah giggled turning back to me.

"I dare you to swipe right on every guy you come across on tinder." Alex's eyes widened shaking my head immediately.

"No. I can't." The girls grinned knowing she was stuck doing it.

"You have to it's the rules Alex. First round you have to do what we ask." Sarah said with a grin on her face.

"Besides, just because you swipe right on then doesn't mean you have to talk to them." Alex sighed holding her joint up to her lips taking a large hit.

"Fine." She said blowing the smoke out through the crack in sarah's window. The girls cheered and gestured for Alex to open the app. Alex sighed once again typing in her password and scrolling to the app that continually lets her down.

"Do I really have to? This guy is like 50," Alex whined showing the girls a man with blonde hair and a round chubby face.

"Well, not him he's old. But everyone after him yes," Alex grimaced but swiped left on the blonde man. The next guy had brown hair and a square face. He was shirtless in a gym.

"Ugh I hate you guys for making me do this. Tonight might be the night I get drunk." Alex said quickly swiping right on every man that came across the screen. She vaguely remembered a man with black curly hair.

Hey guys so new book and this time I feel like I'll actually finish this one... maybe... yes I will. Thank you for reading don't be afraid to leave a comment!

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