Chapter 2

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Alex awoke with a start groaning aloud. Her head was pounding as loud a drum. She reached up to her forehead rubbing her temples. She hated drinking. If it wasn't for that stupid game they played she wouldn't have touched a single drop. Rolling onto her side she reached over and grabbed her phone off the nightstand. The time read 11:53. Thank God she didn't have to work today. Along with the time Alex noticed she had multiple notifications from tinder. The game. Alex quickly typed in her password opening one of the many messages she must've received while she was asleep.

"You wanna meet up?" Alex grimaced at his forwardness immediately unmatched with him. She opened another one only to be met with a cheesy joke which she smiled at typing a response

"Are you are parking ticket? Because you got FINE written all over you."

She swiped from the message opening another one that read, "Hi there!
I know we matched I don't know if you use tinder or not but I'd really like to get to know you better maybe take you out somewhere for dinner so we could talk?

Don't really go on tinder much cause work but use snap more if you wanna add me my snap is therockisonmysock" and yes I know my username is weird."

She immediately melted to say the least. A guy that actually wants to talk to her? She smiled typing her message that she would love to talk and get to know him better. After sending the message she clicked on his profile that she doesn't even remember seeing. Well, that was until she came across a picture of his face. An oval shaped face, soft jawline, and curls spilling over his forehead. He wore a suit in the picture one hand holding his phone the other tucked away in a pocket. She scrolled to the next picture. It was a car. Okay he's a car guy. She remembered it looked nice but didn't know what it was. The next picture is what sent a giggle tumbling from her lips. In this picture he was dressed in the worst 18th century clothes she's ever seen and a white wig sitting atop his head. In this picture his jawline was even softer due to how his head was positioned. But in this picture I could see his eyes.

Hazel. The perfect shade of hazel.

She smiled. She could see something.

"What're you doing?" Lejla groaned lightly hitting my back with her shoulder as she turned.

"Sorry reading through some messages," she immediately shot up peering over my shoulder to see.

"Tinder?!" Alex winced but nodded to her.

"Let me see what you sent." Alex begrudgingly handed her unlocked phone over and she looked over the messages.

"Well he seems nice what does he look like? Ooo definitely not for me." Alex sent a joking glare but turned softer.

"I don't know I feel like this could be a good idea and besides a guy becomes instantly more attractive due to his good qualities. At least that's what I believe. Don't judge a book by their cover. And besides it's not like I'm a model or anything." Lejla rolled her eyes flopping on her back and sighed as loud as she could. It was Alex's turn to roll her eyes. Over dramatic as always.

"You and I both know that your gorgeous and he can see that. Otherwise why would he text first? He thinks your cute." Alex leaned her head down smiling slightly from her friends words.

"Thanks Lejla that helped." She muttered of course and turned back over scrolling on her phone.

"Can you both shut up one of us is still trying to sleep." Sarah grumbled turning farther away from us.

"We just finished our conversation kuja," sarah muttered another Bosnian curse right back. Alex shook her head at the two and looked back and the screen. He already replied. Her smile reappeared tapping on the message.

"Where would you like to go? Anything in particular?"  Now normally Alex would be annoyed but he seemed genuinely interested about her opinion. And this time Alex did have an option. It was close to Halloween after all.

"How do you feel about haunted houses?"

She closed the app turning to Lejla.

"I asked him if he liked haunted houses," Lejla smirked while nodding her head.

"Smart. Going somewhere that requires physical touch." Alex lightly push her side but nodded nonetheless. Suddenly a pillow flew from above them smacking the pair in the face.

"Bruh," Alex said pushing the pillow away from her face.

"Be. Quiet." Sarah muttered flipping over falling back asleep. Alex rolled her eyes picking her phone back up.

He sent another response.

Yeah. :) how's the 12th?

Alex smiled. She was off that day, not that it mattered, but glad nonetheless in her ability to prepare for it.

Sounds good :)

"I'm meeting him for a haunted house on the 12th." Alex spoke showing her phone to Lejla. A smile spread across her face as her eyes darted across the screen reading the messages.

"Oh my god. You'll have to tell me all about it," Alex nodded taking her phone back into her possession. Alex looked back in the chat, he sent another response.

By the way what's your address? I'll pick you up if you're comfortable with that?

Alex bit her lip thinking.

"What do you think? Should I?" Lejla looked over reading the message before nodding her head.

"I think you should but just keep your location on. Text me the code word if you need an out."

5643 storks summit. See you at 8 :)

Alex set down her phone turning back over onto her side her eyelids getting heavy. After all—she is a growing girl—or so she keeps telling herself.

"Wake me up when it's dinner time," Alex groaned eyes closed as she drifted off to sleep.

Hey guys I'm sorry this chapter is so short I promise the next one will be much longer hope you enjoyed! Also fyi that is NOT a real address just random thing I came up with if that is your address I apologize.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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