Chapter 1

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It was a peaceful autumn day in the Mafia. At least, sort of peaceful.
Dazai and Chuuya could be heard bickering yet again in the corridors of the HQ.

No one knew why they argued and fought. They never questioned the two as this was normal.

"I hate you, you mackerel!" Chuuya had shouted, struggling to get his hat from Dazai. "Give me back my hat!"

"Come and get it, Slug." Dazai said, grabbing Chuuya's arm so he couldn't use his ability to float up and get it himself.

"Let go, you asshole!" Chuuya exclaimed in an attempt to punch Dazai which he had blocked.

"How predictable of you." Dazai claimed.

"Now, now, why are you two arguing again?" A soft voice asked.

The two had turned around and had found Kouyou gracefully walking towards them, her elegant face married to slight frustration.

"This idiot over here won't give me back my hat!" Chuuya hissed.

"Dazai, why don't you give Chuuya his hat back?" Kouyou advised, her tone of voice soothing the tension between the two ever so slightly.

"But Anee-san! Chuuya took my roll of bandages!" Dazai lied.

"Did not!" Chuuya argued.

"Did to!" Dazai claimed.

Kouyou rubbed her temples in frustration as the two continued to bicker non-stop.

"Enough, you two." Kouyou snapped at last. Her sudden frustration startled the two and made them go quiet.

"Dazai, give him his hat." She spoke.

"Fine." Dazai responded, handing Chuuya the hat.

Chuuya snatched it out from Dazai's hands and whispered a small 'thank you' to Dazai that was barely audible.

"Did you say something, Chuuya?" Dazai investigated, a sly grin appearing on his face.

"I didn't. Now, wipe that smirk off your face, it makes you look uglier." Chuuya teased, rolling his eyes as he put on his hat.

"Now, apologize to each other." Kouyou said.

"But, Anee-san!" The two exclaimed in unison.

"No buts. Apologize."

"I'm sorry I stole your hat, Chibi."

"I'm sorry I called you a- Wait, what did you just call me?" Chuuya snapped, realizing the pet name had slipped from Dazai's lips.

"You heard me." Dazai smirked, leaning closer to Chuuya's face.
Their faces were inches away and Dazai had chuckled at Chuuya's blushing red face.
Kouyou had seen and had coughed to get their attention.
Dazai pulled his face away from Chuuya's and looked at Kouyou with a small smile. It looked... Genuine.

"You two are quite the something." She spoke softly as a small smile crept up her lips.

"Well, I'll be taking my leave now. Boss Mori will call me in five minutes for a mission." He claimed, bowing to Kouyou before he left.

"How does he always know what's going to happen and when it'll take place?" Chuuya asked.

"That's one of the mysteries of the Port Mafia. None of us know as he's just observant." Kouyou responded. "After all," she continued, closing her eyes before finishing her sentence.

"He didn't become the youngest executive for nothing."

"Youngest Executive?" Chuuya thought to himself. He thought it was a lie but he also knew Kouyou wouldn't lie to him.

Dazai, the youngest executive with his childish attitude? It couldn't possibly be true.

Chuuya laughed it off as he nodded to Kouyou and bid his good bye to her as he was called to Mori's office as well.

It was exactly five minutes after Dazai left.


"Do you understand the point of this mission?" Mori asked, resting his chin on his clasped hands.

"Yes, sir." The two responded in unison.

"Do you have any questions?" He inquired.

Chuuya thought for a moment, then the question came to him.

"Why must we work with the Agency when we can just do this mission with The Black Liz-"
"The president of the Agency has suggested an alliance for this mission." Mori interrupted, closing his eyes and leaning back on his chair.
"You know what to do, correct?"

Dazai grinned that stupid grin again as he closed his eyes.

"Observe the Agency's fighting techniques as we fight alongside them, and report back to you." Dazai grinned as he repeated Mori's words from earlier.

"Don't forget the fact we also have to gather information from that knockoff Port Mafia organization, dumbass." Chuuya pitched in.

"Ah, yes, The Underdogs." Dazai put forth. "I heard they're all addicted to hats, as you are, Chuuya." He teased.

"Why you little piece of shi-"

"Go. Now."

Mori interrupted yet again, his voice pouring shivers down Chuuya's spine.

"Understood, Boss." Dazai bowed before grabbing Chuuya's arm.
"We'll take our leave now."

And just like that, Dazai was pulling Chuuya out of Mori's office with zero mercy.


"What gives, shithead?" Chuuya scowled, pulling his arm away from Dazai after being dragged to a hidden part of the HQ.

"Where even are we?" He interrogated.

"A secret room I found while exploring this place." Dazai explained.

As he and Chuuya made eye contact,
Chuuya had realized that something was different about Dazai.

It was his eyes.


This is my first story that's actually gonna be seen by the public (most of my previous stories were private and only a few of my friends have read them) but please leave a comment on how the first chapter was like for you, I'd really love to know!

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