Chapter 3

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"Dazai-san! Chuuya-san is bleeding and he's out of control!" A voice called out to him.

He got sent back to reality as he heard his name being called in a voice with a tone of concern and worry.

When he realized what had happened, he realized that Chuuya was using corruption and it wasn't just his imagination nor his daydreams.

He knew he still had time to save him and stood up immediately.

He ran to Chuuya, praying that he'd reach him in time.

He couldn't afford to lose the one he adored all this time.


As soon as he had reached the short, Auburn haired male, he had immediately yet gently grabbed Chuuya's arm to prevent him from throwing another black-coloured orb.

Blood trickled down the short male's feminine features and the manic laughing had ceased down and vanished into low groans of pain.

"You.. Dipshit..." Chuuya groaned lowly, shaking off Dazai's arm weakly.

"I know. Sorry 'bout that, Slug." Dazai chuckled fondly. Chuuya had set a faint smile on his lips and had fallen unconscious into Dazai's arms.

Dazai subconsciously examined this sleeping beauty and admired his bloodied feminine features.

Chuuya was indeed the most beautiful person he had ever laid eyes on.



As I admired this sleeping beauty that fell unconscious in my arms in such a breathtaking manner, I had realized that he was mine and mine only.

Not as my dog, but as something more than a "friend".

How I wished I knew what this odd feeling I had experienced whenever Chuuya was around was called.

"Dazai-san! Is Chuuya-san okay?" A gruff voice called to me.

I turned and saw Akutagawa rushing towards me and the redhead that rest in my arms.

"Y-Yes. He's fine. He just needs some time to rest, that's all." I had spoken hesitantly.

I showed vulnerability.

"Dazai-san... Are you okay? You're acting weird." The obsidian-haired male asked me, concerned.

I nodded to him in response and stood up with the beautiful shorty in my arms.


As I set down the sleeping prince on my bed after cleaning his injuries and bandaging them up, I had noticed something else about him.

He was actually amazing.

Not only does he look attractive when he's awake or using Corruption, he looks adorable when asleep.

I pulled out my phone to take a photo of the man I call a slug as he slept, but before I could click the button, I heard a low groan from Chuuya.

"Chuuya? You awake?" I asked him with as much fondness as I can give.

I still sounded cold.

"Yeah." He answered, his voice being so... Attractive.

"Where am I?" He asked me, his half-lidded eyes showing his blue eyes that reminded me of the ocean, or the blue moonlight.

"You're in my room." I told him.

"Why am I here?"
"You were injured."

"So, you used your bandages on me just because I was injured?" He asked me. I could tell he was surprised.

I stayed silent. He sat up and his eyes trailed down to my barely bandaged arms.

"Y-Yeah. I used my bandages and a spare roll I had for your injuries." I answered. "It was my fault you got injured anyway."

"That's actually... Nice of you."

He called me nice. Me? Nice? Is that whatever I did was called?

"Although you're still an asshole, I guess I can accept what you did for me." He said, closing his river-blue eyes.
"And why do you have so many scars?"
I acted confused to that question until my eyes drifted to my disheveled bandages, showing my scars.

"Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit." I continued to cuss myself out mentally.

"Dazai? Are you okay?"
I could only nod and smile.

"Come on, get up." He said as he stood up from bed, grabbing my arm.

He dragged me to the bathroom and made me sit on the closed toilet.

He asked me where I kept my bandages and I hesitantly and shakily told him.

I watched as he opened my mirror cabinet and a world of this unpleasant feeling came pouring down to me.

It felt familiar and horrible.



As I opened his mirror cabinet to look for a couple rolls of bandages, I had kept thinking about why he even bothered to help me.

I got the bandages and closed the cabinet.

I kneeled down on the floor (yes it was dry) and removed Dazai's dirty bandages.

He was shaking.

"Stop shaking, moron. I'm not gonna hurt you." I comforted; or at least, tried to comfort.

"Y-Yeah. Sorry." His voice was shaky and his breath was obviously unsteady.

"Look, I may seem to hate you, but..." I cut myself off, hesitant to finish the sentence.

"But what?" He asked me, his breathing gradually evening out.

"Never mind. It's not relevant. Just stay still while I change your bandages." I commanded.

God how I adored this man.

A/N: Y'all I'll try to post a new chapter each day but since I have school that's probably going to be hard.

Anyways, I hope you're enjoyed this chapter!

Credits to the original creator of the "I'll change your bandages for you" thing! (I forgot the title of the fanfic and its creator lol-)

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