Chapter 2 - The Beach Visit (Updated)

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...... Came the sound of a ticking clock that only seemed louder than it actually was, thanks to the dead silence around the area. It also was helped by the fact the room the clock is in, isn't exactly a big one. Cosy, might be the word to describe the room. Whether it's the big bookshelf that goes from one side of the room right to the other, floor to ceiling. There would be two black leather chairs on either side of a coffee table. Said coffee table would be made of two big semi-circle-shaped stones, with a piece of dark grey wood going from each. A vase of colourful flowers is placed in the centre.

A soft but somewhat brown-grey carpet would make the floor. However the white walls, the flowers and the lighter brown coloured bookshelf help to bring up the vibe of the room. Along with big, floor-to-ceiling windows at the end of the room, bringing in much-needed light. Though the blinds make sure not too much and help from prying eyes looking in.

"What do you want me to say doc?" Moving my eyes away from the ceiling toward the man sitting on one of the chairs. While I would be laying on the sofa, in my slime form.

The man in question would be a rather old-looking fella. With short white hair, and a mostly white bit some grey hair in his neat and very well-groomed beard. His small round glasses rested on his big, jagged nose. His brown eyes look at me expectedly, as he taps his pen on his handheld board every now and then. The guy would be smartly dressed in a blue suit, complete with black shoes, and a pink tissue in his breast pocket. Along with a small chain coming out from there, as he normally keeps a small silver pocket watch in there.

"I only want you to say what you're comfortable with." He certainly sounds, acts and looks the part of a professional psychologist.

("Right, somehow I don't believe he'd actually want that") I could just be set in my ways, or being too overly cynical. But I've never really believed shrinks work, or at least like how they are portrayed in media.

"And IF I don't want to say anything and stop these sessions?" Already knowing the answer, I still put the question across, lazily looking over to him.

"Technically you can stop them, but I implore you not to, and just sleep on it. It's essential for.." He started to say, and while I got what he saying. Would he be saying the same, if he wasn't getting paid big bucks? Thankfully not from me, as he would be getting paid out from the shared inheritance for us siblings. 

"To keep an eye on me right? So I don't end up hurting myself or worse." We both know that this is more than likely the case.

"I didn't say that"

"But you were thinking it. Besides, I promise not to throw myself off buildings anymore." There's no getting around the fact of what I apparently did. But I honestly don't remember but I can understand why I did.

"I should surely hope so, we don't need another police car destroyed by that thick head of yours. Besides there are plenty more, healthier, ways to mourn and move on"

"You wound me doc, with your words."

"... Look, Miss Tempest, what you went through would leave a very deep scar on anyone's mental health. I'm here to ensure you have someone to talk to and to see if you're okay both mentally AND otherwise. I doubt your parents would want...."

"I know!" I may have snapped at him a little, but right now I don't want to hear the rest of that sentence. So I'd move it onto something else, he himself didn't react much. Other than to pause in his writing of notes. Feeling a little guilty for snapping at a guy just doing his job, I'd apologise to him.

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