Glade Birthday Celebrations (Newt Imagine)

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It's been a year since you arrived in the Glade so the boys throw you a 'Gladers Birthday' party to celebrate.

"It's been one whole year since Y/N came up in that box!" Alby roared to the crowd of amped up boys gathered around. "Today we celebrate her." You blush as all the boys yell and scream in approval. You scanned the group of teenage boys as they all pushed forward to pat you on the back and hug you, and there he was standing at the back of the group watching you silently. Newt. Ever since you came up in that box, he has always been the friendliest person towards you and the most protective of you as well. When you wanted to be a runner he down right refused arguing that you were better suited to the role of Medjack. Even at that moment when he contradicted your wishes you still couldn't stop growing to like him.

A year on nothing had happened. To be honest you weren't sure if anything was ever going to happen. From what you could tell he didn't see you as anything more as a good friend, possibly not even that. I mean he had Thomas, Minho and Alby that he probably cared for more than you. But still there he was today, thoughtful, caring and sexy all at the same time. As your eyes connect he smiles briefly before disappearing to sit at the fire with Alby.

After many enthusiastic, tight hugs from all the gladers you found yourself sitting inbetween Thomas and Newt as Minho, Gally, Alby and Chuck all sat around in a semi-circle in front of you.

"I say we get Y/N plastered!" Minho jumped off the ground to hunt down the nearest jar of Gally's special brew. All the guys yelled in approval as Minho brought over a full jar of the brew and placed it in your hands expectantly. "Go on drink it all Y/N!"

"Yeah drink it all! Scull it!" Gally pressed. You shrugged and began to down the entirety of the jar without taking a breath. As the guys yelled encouragingly in the background "Scull! Scull! Scull!" You finished the contents off faster than you expected you would and looked around at the group and beamed feeling accomplished.

"WOOOOO" They all roared piling onto causing you to fall backwards off the log that you were sitting on. Laughing on the ground another jar appeared for you. "Again shuckface." Minho commanded. Obligingly you did so.

Five jars down you were feeling incredibly lightheaded as you giggled at the jokes.

"Alright, now for the real fun!" Minho stood at the fire pointing at you. "Time for a game of truth or dare!" Next to you Newt moaned, you just giggled again. The rest of the guys moved eagerly around you to form a much tighter circle.

"Truth or Dare Y/N" Thomas asks casually.

You couldn't think of one bad thing that could happen playing this game, you just didn't want to lick any toliet seats like they made Chuck do last time they played.

"Truth!" You said feeling sure of yourself, Alby raised his eyebrows but said nothing.

"Excellent." Chuck patted Thomas on the shoulder.

"Y/N who is the hottest guy in the glade?" Minho leaned forward closer to you.

"Newt!" You blurted out before you even realised what was happening, quickly you covered you mouth and glanced at Newt next to you. He stares at you shocked momentarily before looking away. You sigh cursing to yourself, you wished you hadn't said it to him like this he probably feels embarrassed now.

"Woooo." The others boys laughed sounding like teenage school girls.

"Alright Newt Truth or Dare?" Thomas tapped Newt on the leg. Newt let out a small groan before turning to face the audience of tipsy teenagers.

"Dare." The boys nod in approval.

"Alright, we dare you to make out with Y/N right now." Minho nudges Thomas and laughs.

Thomas Brodie-Sangster/ Newt ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now