chapter 1

188 4 6


(Season 3 episode 2)
*Many spelling errors*
"Abigial baker" My teacher reads out, taking attendants. "Here" Abigail answers. "Georgie cooper?" the teacher says and Georgie, next to me, raises his hand saying here. I lay my head down on the desk, I got no sleep last night because my older brother, billy and my dad frank were yelling at each other and breaking shit since my dad stole all my siblings and my money for drugs and cigarettes. Georgie grabs my hand under the desk and rubs circles with his thumb on the back of my hand. He does that a lot. I close my eyes.

"Shedon cooper" The teacher calls out. I look up seeing sheldons seat empty. "Georgie were your brother?" the teacher asks. "I dont know" he replies bluntly. the teacher looks at me and raises her eyebrows. "dont know" I mutter. "good enough for me, Melissa dixon" the teacher says moving on. That weird, I road here with mr cooper, georgie and sheldon he came in the building. Is he skipping?, he probably got shoved in a locker again. 

"Did you sleep last night." I feel georgics breath on on my neck as he whispers to me while the teacher goes on and on. 

"No, Uh... Ben was sick last night he kept me up most of the night since my dad was at work." I blame it on my little brother. 

"I saw your dad come home after you went back to your room?" He asks. Last night, like every night, I climbed the tree outside my window and climbed into Georgies window to hang out.

"Yeah, he-uh- left after dinner." Lie. 

The whole school day went by, I havent seen sheldon all day, well I was sleeping most of the day. I have all my classes with georgie exept one. Since I am 15 and hes 14 I have one upper class. I have all 7 classes with sheldon.
Its now thursday and I havent seen sheldon in any of my classes all week.

 -Its now thursday and I havent seen sheldon in any of my classes all week

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My outfit^

I take the bus home with my younger brother, bruce, because mary got a new job that goes till 4 and school gets out at 3 and george need to take missy, sheldon, and georgie home so theres no room for me.

 only in the morning though because Mary takes missy to school in the mornings. Once i got home I go to my house, which is next to the coopers. Georgie and my room has a tree in between the windows, the tree makes it so we can walk window to window. My dog, bear, comes running up to me and bruce as soon as I open the door.

My brother billy is already home since he skipped school today. My familys rich but broken. My brother is watching tv at full blast, his shirt off with a ciggarete in his hand. "Hey billy" I say in a soft voice, me and my siblings are close, but if you get billy or bruce angery there is no telling what they will do. Trust me, you do not want to get them to get mad at you. 

"Wassup lex" billy answers exhaling the smoke. I pick up my small dog bear and hold him in my arms.


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"Im going to georgies" i say loudly over the tv. Since our mother left us when i was 7, im kinda the mom of the house. "Theres leftover in the fridge for dinner, I'll also pick up some leftover from the coopers since im gonna eat there again" I say loudly again and billy just nods. Bruce is now sitting next to him staring at the ceiling. While im walking to my room, i pass billy and he offers me the ciggarete. I take a drag and pass it back. Norally I dont smoke but you know i get bored.

I walk to my room, my dog still in my hands. My backpack still on. I open up my window and I get into the tiny treehouse. Theres no doors but last summer mr cooper built a tiny room in the tree as a passing to georgies room to mine. There's also a shit tone of perfumes and sprays in here that I make sure to pray myself hourly so non ones smells the smoke on me. 

I be careful not to rip my tights. I open georgies window with my free hand and slowly step in. I get inside and set bear down. I take off my black dock martins and set them down next to his bed. I put my backpack down and walk out of georgies room to the kitchen.

Apparently Sheldon has been teaching himself school, since he no longer has his collage classes, in a janitor closet.

I stand next to MeeMaw as she sits down at the small table in the kitchen. she rubs my arm and smiles as a say of hi. I smile again. georgie walks in. "Cause I have to do everything!" mary says. "Ooo someones sleeping on the couch tonight" Georgie says with a pepsi in his hand. "Get out of here" George says and Georgie walks out. But before he goes to his room he passes me an extra Pepsi and grabs my arm pulling me to his room as well.

He pushes me into the bed. He picks up bear and lays down on the bed aswell. My back on the backbored of his bed, georgies back inbetween my legs. He loves this position, he likes when I play with his hair while he holds bear. Georgie and me are the kinda bestfrineds that like cuddle and stuff. Georgies love laundage is physical affection.

after a while of my playing with his hair and my head against a pillow with my eyes closed, his head laying on my stomach. Bear is still in his hands, bear now sleeping which is amazing how georgie can make bear fall asleep at anytime. I think it's Georgie's body heat, he's always warm, while I'm always cold. Im almost asleep when the phone starts to ring. Which causes bear and Georgie to jump awake since Georgie's door was open and one of the phones is right outside his room. Georgie gets up and anwers the phone. "Mom Pastor Jeffs on the phone!" gorgie yells and but he doesnt set down the phone instead he keeps his ear to the phone.

"Why whats she wearing" I hear georgie say. "Georgie you hang up that phone right now" mary whisper yells. georgie hangs up the phone with a smile on his face before walking back to his room and closing the door. "Ugh I have to start on homework" I groan and grab my backpack off the floor, bear now on a fluffy blanket on the floor. Georgie put one of his fluffy blankets on the floor a couple years ago for a makeshift bed for bear since bear alwasy comes over here with me.

 "Can you do my homework too?" Georgie asks. I shove him playfully. I get out my notebook and stuff and start my homework.

Half way through Georgie gets bored and wraps his arms around my neck and digs his face in my hair. he a little behind my since I'm sitting near the foot of the bed. "why are you so cold" He says, his texan accent muffled on my neck. He grabs a blanket from the foot of the bed and wraps it around my shoulders. "Im bored want to go annoy sheldon, maybe scare him with bear" "No maybe you can do your homeowrk, but just a thought" he playfully rolls his eyes.


Sheldon is with MeeMaw at his colllege class, and George and Mary are out at dinner. so its just me, missy, and Georgie. Im in my jean skirt and my blue flannel with a white crop tanktop. Georgie somehow found an Ouji bored. He sets the box it on the small dinner table in the kitchen. He opens it and I see the bored with letters and the yes and the shit. "If mom knew this was in the house shed lose her mind" missy says with a smile. "I know, Mom does not like demons" georgie says and i let out a laugh.

Georgie could say the most dumbest shit and I would still laugh. Georgie sets the box down, the bourd is now on the table with this little triangle thing with a clear glass circle in the middle. "So how does it work?" missy says, nervously. Personally I don't believe in this spirit shit but its fun seeing them so exited. Georgie starys explaining what to do and what will happen.

Missy goes to put the tips of her fingers on the board, along with Georgies. She gets really close to doing it when she pulls her hands back. "Pastor Jeff talked about these in sunday school" Ugh sunday school, back when my mom was around she made me and billy and bruce go. "He called them satans monopoly bored" Missy whispers. "Come on" Georgie whispers with a smile, to missy. I sigh putting my fingertips on my side aswell, trying to convince missy to do it.

Missy goes to do it again, she almost does it, but then the phone rings. I sigh as I again as I lean back in my chair. Georgie leans back swell as he reaches his hand and rubs my thigh. I close my eyes. 

Authors note: I know this sucks ass but just work with me it gets better, I rushed threw this and ill try to get this to all make sense later ik I have so many spelling errors I'm sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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