For You | chapter 39

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the song is for the first half of the story before the purple page breaker.

Melodys pov

"okay you got it" i asked my brother. he nodded walking in the living room with a bowl of popcorn.

i looked at him as he held a aggravated look on his face. "you really mad cause i made you sprinkle sugar on it" i smacked my teeth.

"yes what the fuck don't nobody wanna eat that nasty ass popcorn fuck is wrong wit you" he mugged me

"elijah i'm craving ittttt" i whined eating some of the popcorn out the bowl. "so what we watching?" i asked him.

"uhhh harry potter" he replied. "no." i dead panned him. nobody know this but me but he lowkey got a lil obsession over the harry potter series.

he liked it as a kid and it kinda just stuck. "okay how about a christmas movie" he asked. "but it ain't christmas time" i scrunched my eyebrows.

"okay? the fuck" he replied "how about ATL" he asked looking at the movies "yessss" my eyes lit up. a big cheesy grin grew in his face.

ATL had to be in his top three favorite movies. "newnew so fine" he rubbed his hand together as he clicked play.

"yes she is and let's not even talk about rashad and his lil brother they can really get it" i bit my lip playfully.

"ite now too fuckin far." he squinted his eyes at me. "watching this movie make me wanna live in atlanta foreal" i looked as we watched the kids play in the beginning.

"this movie ghetto as hell what about it make you wanna live there" he questioned me. "bitch where we live is ghetto too, it don't make a difference when this is where we grew up" i replied.

"but i wanna go to cascade" i nodded "like we got skating rinks up here but down there just look like a way better vibe and plus skating in georgia is like a sport that everyone take seriously" i added.

"yeah you right bout that one. but shit if the girls in atlanta look like that ion mind going either" he said taking a pop corn out the bowl inspecting it.

"you ever think about moving out of new york" i asked facing towards him. he looked up at me with the popcorn in his hand.

"every fucking day. don't get me wrong, i love it here but i just wanna try something new. i wanna see what it's like in the south" he said.

"i think i wanna go to college somewhere in the south" i told him. "you wanna go to college" he asked me with a smile on his face.

"maybe like cosmetology school or something. you know i know how to do more than tote guns" i laughed. "yeah" he laughed.

"you know how to rap too but seems like i'm the only one to know that" he said as the movie played in the back. "just cause i'm talented at something don't mean i want to do it. it ain't really my cup of tea" i shrugged.

"well imma support you on whatever you decide to do" he said looking back at the tv. i watched him as he finally put the popcorn he had in his mouth tasting it.

"wait this shit good" he raised a eyebrow with a shocked facial expression. "i told you didn't i" i playfully slapped his shoulder with a grin.

"mhm" he nodded taking some more. we watched as rashad lil brother stood in the mirror brushing his teeth.

"pretty boy ass nigga" edot said with a smirk on his face finding it funny. i just laughed cause he was giving off pretty boy type vibes.

"melmel you know momma would be so proud of you" he said looking at the tv. "you think so" i said softly smiling. "yeah if you continue to do sum with yo life" he crossed his arms.

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