stretching her legs

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Moya walked through the Tesco mindlessly, scrolling though Instagram and TikTok and every now and then checking her Snapchat. Her shiny blond hair hung down over her shoulders onto her school jumper, she hadn't got a chance to change out of her school clothes and so she was still in her school jumper, shirt, tie and skirt. She was walking though this Tescos that was an hour from her home as she and her family were heading of to a hotel by the coast to spend their 1 week Halloween holiday. They had stopped in this random town as Moyas dad had got an important business call that was going to last a while and he had to stop driving to focus. When this happened Moyas mother and sister had opted to go for a coffee in Costa while Moya had decided to go for a stroll in the Tescos on the other side of the road to stretch her legs that had began to get sore from being cramped in the car.

Moya turned off her phone, it had began to give her a headache anyway. "what now" she thought, "I guess I'll just take a look around the store". She looked through the clothing area for 10 minutes before realizing there was nothing in her size or for that matter anything she really liked. She then began to wonder the aisles one by one stopping occasionally to check out something or another. Eventually she found herself in the back corner of the store, in the nappies aisle. She took her phone out again not bothering to check out this aisle. As she was checking her notifications she began walking. Suddenly while checking her Snapchat she bumped into a stack of drynites, a loose pack on top of the stack fell on the ground. She put away her phone and quickly looked around to make sure nobody was looking in her direction, luckily the aisle was empty so she picked up the pack and examined them. Moya quickly realized they were drynites teen but the pack had a huge tear in the corner and it looked like a few of the training pants had been taken. She also realized that they were made for 27-57kg and so she being 45kg would fit in them perfectly. She then realized that in that case she should probably stop holding them or she would risk being thought of as somebody who needed these and was going to buy them by any random shopper who may glance in her direction.

She began reaching up to put the pack back on top of the stack but just as she was about to put them down she heard a voice "excuse me miss, but now that you have damaged those you're going to have to buy them".....

This was a fairly short first chapter but I plan to make them longer. I am I new writer so any tips or ideas I can implement in the story please tell me!

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