Chapter five

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Niall's P.O.V

" I choose..." I said softly. "My mother.." I didn't want to choose over my father or my mother buy I chose my mother because I want to keep her protected. I love my parents to death and my dad can defend himself, my mother, being pretty small, can not defend her self. I don't see why Greg can't live with her be he refuses to move in with her. I feel really bad because I just met Mackenna and I feel like she has feelings for me, I have feelings her but I have to leave.

Mackenna's P.O.V
Niall just chose his mother, I can not be mad at him but I can be upset. I came here thinking this would be the worst summer ever but it turned out to be one of the best summers ever until now, the person who made my summer amazing is moving away. What am I going to do for the rest of the summer without him? Sit here and just wait for the summer to end? Try to go back to America? What am I going to do I thought to myself. I forced myself to finally talk, "O-Okay" I said upset. "I am going to miss you Niall, you made my summer awesome, you made it one of the best summers I have ever had."

The last summerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora