Chapter 11

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The morning rose early as the sun kissed dew brought in a mellow crispness. Thomas lay in the damp atmosphere. He lay still, only moving his head slightly to watch lesli shiver as she huddle close trying to keep warm. He sat up and draped his cloak around her, as the cool morning sent goosebumps up his arm. The wolves slept soundly, all except for one.

"Wisdom?" He asked walking over to the black lupine that sat on his haunches, in taking the sunlight. He glanced over to Thomas as he flared his nostrils, exhaling old oxygen into a silent sigh. Thomas stood still , not in fear, but in awe. 

"I wanted to apologize for my wrath" he muttered. He let out a low sigh of frustration, before he closed his eyes. Thomas slowly walked over to him and trace a finger around the wolf's orb but withdrew his hand when wisdom raised a lip threateningly.  

"Why do you let him do this to you?" Thomas asked, tucking his hands in his pockets.  

"It's the only affection I get," he muttered, "in son sick way it makes me feel like he still cares for me, and punishes me so I don't get hurt," Thomas narrowed his eyes as he boldly stepped in front of Wisdom, holding his black chin in his hands. He could feel saliva drip through his fingers as Wisdom gave an aggravated snarl. 

"Stop it! I have had just about enough of your threats. You are better than this! No wolf grows up a mant-killer. It's what's ingrained into your head, and if you let him push you around, then you're gonna wind up like Ember terrorizing people's lives because you're to afraid to say no. You can easily tear him apart, but you're afraid that if you do, you will die if loneliness. Well you're wrong! You have your siblings! You should be roaming free, not caged up like some house pet!" Wisdoms eyes shot up at Thomas' words as he forcefully knocked him down, staring deep into his eyes, as saliva dripped from his jowls, deep golden eyes cut through his preys flesh as he panted heavily. Thomas swallowed hard as he closed his eyes. A rough wet tongue swept over his face and cheek as his rail wagged against his flanks. He panted, but kept slobbering the tiny humans face, smiling as he backed away and barked nuzzling a wet nose into his hand. 

"No ones stood up to me like that before, it takes guts, and for that you have my respect....and my apologies for the saliva," he chuckled, before he turned his head towards the house. Thomas sat up and flicked his hands of silver goop. Wisdom chuckled again as he walked over to Thomas and rubbed his fur over his body, before stepping back. He stepped back, as he turned his head, sniffing the air. Thomas looked at him and sighed.  

"What is it?" Wisdom asked, casting eyes on the human. 

"Just wish I knew what he was planning so I could stop him,"  

A soft voice spoke from the house as Lesli sat on Fang's back. The wolf lowered her belly to the ground, as Lesli sat there.  

"He's planning on joining Gene in

Russia, says he has some unfinished business. My guess he's capturing rare wolves and going to turn them into mindless killing machines," Fang's lip curled as she spoke. "That's what the boxes are for. So while he's away, Ember is in charge, which means, she will kill every last of your relatives in order to find you. Your whole family tree will be obliterated." Thomas narrowed his eyes as he stared at the horizon, then stared at the wolves that seemed to be lost in thought. He stared up at Lesli, and exhaled deeply, before he began to speak.  

"If she plans on obliterating my family, then I have no choice but to kill her," Thomas said slowly. Everyone's eyes shot up in protest.  

"But how, she's a brute! Any attempt would mark as suicide!" Fang whimpered. Wisdom looked at Thomas with deep sincerity. "She has a point, if you fail, it could be fatal," Thomas paced his ground as he rubbed his chin. "I know this, that's why we have to do it in a territory neither of us are familiar with. That way it's an equal advantage," Fang cocked her head and twitched her ears. "What are you proposing?" Thomas looked at them directly. "I am going to sedate her, then take her some place far away," Lesli took a deep breath as she looked at Thomas. I heard Gene and his Sargent talking and he plans on taking us to Russia with him..." Thomas focused his eyes directly on Lesli and then walked away. "Then that is where I must kill her,"

There was a moment of silence before an unfamiliar voice broke the silence. Thomas turned his head and turned to reveal a medium sized wolf. It's coat reveled in a dark red hue while its muzzle had a strange but uniquely shaded white and gray.  

"Trapping Ember will not be that easy, nonetheless killing her. She maybe a monster on the outside, it's not who she is, of wants to be," Thomas snorted and then looked at the new wolf. "My name is Aurora. I am his new prized possession, but managed to escape when he caught wind of a new pup. Even as we speak he is training her to be like Ember. Ruthless and without mercy." Thomas stared at Aurora, as he turned his head. "I've got a plan," he sighed. The wolves synchronously turned their heads as they perked their ears. "If we want to kill Ember, we must first free ourselves from the shadows. The forest is no longer an option to hide. We must reveal what you are to the rest of the world. You are no longer a pet or slave to wicked deeds. You are by your own virtue free as the wind, vicious as you are kind! You are no longer shrouded in fear, but an ally! You ARE a WOLF!" Thomas demanded proudly. The lupines barked in unison as they lifted their heads and howled to the open sky, scattering a fflock of  birds from the highest treetops.

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