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*Chris's POV*

When Ricky gave that kid his number and said he was cute, jealousy coursed through my body, and I'm not sure why. I don't have any reason to be jealous, it made no sense. Yea, I guess he was cute but did Ricky really have to give him his number? Damn it I can't think with that fucking phone ringing every fucking second! I got up and looked into Ricky's bunk. His phone was ringing under his pillow. I pulled it out just as it stopped. 3 misses calls, Noah. I felt all of the jealousy from last night rush back. I put my hand on his shoulder and pushed him roughly.

"Get up." I snapped. "Noah's calling you and I can't fucking think with your damn phone ringing every fucking minute." I stormed out of the room and sat next to Ryan on the couch, resting my head in my hands. When he asked me if I was okay, I just nodded. My thoughts are jumbled enough as it is, I don't need anyone giving me advice and confusing me more. Thank fuck this tour is almost over. I just need to go home and clear my head. I can't think straight on this bus, clearly. (Gay joke^_^) I need to get out of here for a while, I need to get away from him. I sighed as I ran a hand through my hair. What the fuck is up with me? I was fine a few days ago. I got up from the couch and went to the front where Angelo was driving.

"Ange, when are we stopping?" I mumbled.

"Hour, hour and a half. We're staying in a hotel tonight. Why?" I shook my head.

"Just... need to get off the bus," I told him as I went back to the couch.

----Skipping to hotel----

"Ok so Ghost, you're with Chris-"

"Well then we know I'm with Ryan. Gotta keep the love birds together." Ange joked. Josh just ignored him.

"Yes Angelo you're sharing with Ryan, and Balz is with Ricky."I sighed in relief. Sometimes Ricky and I share a room, and I figured that's how my luck would turn out today since I'm trying to avoid him and things usually don't go my way. We don't have a show tonight, so I plan to do absolutely nothing but think. Well obviously I'm going to eat and stuff, but you know what I mean. I laid halfway on the bed, my feet on the floor. God whats wrong with me? I've always liked girls, now I'm calling guys hot. I honestly don't have a clue. Maybe I'm gay and I was just reflecting my feelings to girls. No, I'm definitely into girls. Maybe I'm bisexual. I mean I find girls attractive, and guys too lately. I let out a long, loud, frustrated groan, making Ghost look over at me.


"I'm so confused." I blurted.

"I think I might be bisexual, but I don't know. I've never done anything with a guy before and I would ask Ricky since I trust him and I know he'd be okay with it but I'm afraid." He sat there silently, processing what I'd just dumped on him. With a sigh, he put down the remote and laid on his stomach on my bed, hid face about a foot from mine.

"Why Ricky? You don't trust anyone else?" I snorted.

"I do, but you really think any of the guys would let me kiss them?"

"Ricky isn't the only one who's kissed a guy." He rolled his eyes. "I've kissed guys, I'm not straight either."

"Then... will you help me?" He nodded, so I sat up and turned around, he sat up too. I brushed his hair back and rested one hand on his cheek, the other on his waist. He put his arms around my neck, pulling me to him. He was surprisingly gentleman's and sweet. He sucked and nibbled on my lip rings, which felt fucking amazing. It was no different than kissing a girl, other than the fact that kissing a guy is way hotter. I slipped my tongue into his mouth. He pulled away a minute later.

"How far is this going?" He panted.

"I-I don't know." I looked down. He grabbed my chin between his pointer finger and thumb, making me look at him.

"Do you want to keep going?" I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks.

"K-kind of. Yea." My eyes shifted to the floor.

"Okay. Let me know if you get uncomfortable or if you want to stop." I nodded and he captured my lips again. Still feeling kind of shy, I hesitated before pushing him on his back. I ground my ass down onto him, making him moan. I have to admit, it felt pretty good. I did it again, moaning. He pulled away to take his shirt off, and I looked up at him shyly.

"Ghost..." I whispered. I knew he could we that I was scared. He laughed a little.

"We'll stop. It's okay. I'm actually surprised you let it go that far." My face turned red and I looked down, feeling extremely shy now. "Don't be so embarrassed Chris. I was scared too the first time I was with a guy. You'll get over it, though." I nodded and gave him a small smile. "Did that help?" I nodded again.

"Yea. Just please don't say anything. Not until I'm completely sure."

"Of course." He smiled. "Now let's go eat."

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