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"Damage Control! I want a status on what the fuck is happening!"

Six US Ships were seen stranded in an unknown Ocean.

"Sir, we lost comms with everything, the Joint Operation Fleet, Naval Command, the USS Gerald R. Ford, everything."

Two F/A-18s we're seen flying across the sky as they spot a battle in the distance.

"Target Visual...The Hell?"

"What is it 1-2?"

"...We have a situation."

Tomahawk Missiles were seen launching from a destroyer toward an unknown target.

"Sir, we made contact with the USS Midway, it seems we weren't the only one."

A Dogfight was seen between One F/A-18 and Unknown flying aircraft with WW2 Naval Aircraft seen trying to assist the F/A-18

"We're in Unknown Seas Captain."

US Marine Amphibious landing Vessels were seen storming an odd Naval Base that looked like Pearl Harbor.

"Right now...we need to Fight."

Cannons started going off as the USS Missouri was seen firing its guns at something.


A Submarine was seen launching a ballistic Missile.

A Submarine was seen launching a ballistic Missile

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