The Do-Over Date <3

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Atlas and Lily decide to have a do-over after Lily sleeps through their first date.

Lily's POV

I'm almost ready for my date with Atlas. I'm well-rested this time. There's nothing that can go wrong today, I think to myself and smile. 

I've just finished putting on a little bit of make-up to go with my white knee-length dress when my doorbell rings. I'd told Atlas that it was fine for him to wait in the car, but he'd insisted on coming to get me at my door.

Considerate Atlas.

Just as I'm about to open the door, I feel a stabbing pain in the pit of my stomach.

Oh, no. What's the date today?

I manage to put a smile on my face as I open the door. 

"Hey", I breathe out. He looks at me from head to toe, and gives me a boyish grin.

"Hey, you. You look beautiful", he smiles.

"Thank you. I just need two more minutes", I say apologetically.

"Take your time, there's no hurry", he assures me.

I go into the washroom, and find out that my suspicions were right. I've started with my period at the worst possible time. I groan, slap my sanitary napkin on, and put a painkiller in my purse just in case the pain gets too bad.

When I walk out into the living room, Atlas is on a call. 

"I'll call you back", he says on the phone as soon as he notices me. "All set?"

"Yeah, let's do this", I say.

I put my heels on, and walk with him to his car. Atlas opens the door to the passenger seat for me, and then gets into the driver's seat.

"Try to stay awake this time", he teases me.

"I'll try", I deadpan, and he laughs.

He puts some soft music on, and keeps looking over at me whenever he gets the chance. I'm not sure why, but that makes me blush. Within 15 minutes, Atlas parks the car outside a nice looking restaurant.

He reaches out for my hand and holds it as we walk in. We find a nice spot which is rather isolated and sit there. Atlas orders some wine for both of us, and we silently sip it for a few minutes. It feels so perfect, sitting here, just the two of us. 

"What would you like to have, Lily?", his soft voice travels down to the pit of my stomach.

"Whatever you recommend", I say.

"The Steak au Poivre here is great."

"I'll have that, then", I say and he smiles. 

He orders for us, and two steaming hot dishes come back in no time. I bite into the steak, and it's amazing.

"Mhmmm", I close my eyes and say, "This is heavenly."

Atlas laughs, "I'm glad you like it."

I take a couple more bites before the cramps hit. I wince, and try to hide it by sipping on my wine.

"Are you fine, Lily?", Atlas asks, concerned.

"Yeah, of course. I'm good."

He doesn't seem convinced, but he thankfully drops it. We eat in silence for a few minutes, and then, he says, "Alright, what's wrong?"

"What do you mean?", I ask, giving him a small smile.

"You're not eating. You're awfully quiet. Do you not like this place? The food? Do I smell?" He tries to sniff his shirt.

"Atlas, I love both this place and the food. And you smell great."

"Then what is it? Talk to me, Lily", he pleads.

"It's nothing. I'm on my period, so, sometimes I have cramps. No biggie", I whisper.

"If you're even in the slightest pain, it is a big deal to me, Lily. How can I help?"

"I have a painkiller, I'll eat some more and take that. I'll be fine, don't worry", I assure him.

"Okay", he says reluctantly. 

I take a few more bites before saying, "I don't think I can eat any more."

"That's fine. Do you want to have something else instead?", he asks.

"No, I'm good. Thanks", I flash him a grateful grin.

He smiles back and motions for the waiter to get the bill. 

"We'll split it", I say immediately.

"Let me pay, Lily", he insists.

"Only if I get to pay next time."

"We'll see", he says evasively.

My heels are killing me as we walk back to the car. As we get in and fasten our seatbelts, I turn to Atlas.

"Hey, do you mind stopping at Walmart? I need to grab something real quick", I say.

"Of course", he says, "How's the pain now?"

"Better", I half-lie to him, and I can tell that he knows.

"Tell me what you need. I'll get it for you", Atlas tells me once we reach Walmart.

"You don't want to do that", I laugh as I warn him.

"I think I do."

"Sanitary napkins. I'm almost out of them." I expect him to be taken aback, but if he is, he doesn't show it.

"Text me which ones", he says and walks out. 

Wow, that's a real man right there. 

He comes back with the pack. He keeps it in the backseat, and hands me a chocolate bar.

"I know you love chocolates", he smiles.

"Thank you so much", I almost swoon. 

Yes, I'm very dramatic when I'm on my period.

When we reach my place, he turns to me and asks, "Can I come up with you?"

I'm surprised, so, I don't answer immediately. Atlas instantly regrets saying that.

"I don't mean it that way", he says, embarrassed, "I don't expect anything tonight. Or any night. I know we're taking it slow. I just thought I could maybe-"

"I'd like that", I interrupt him.


"Come, hurry up", I pull him by a corner of his shirt.

I unlock the door to my apartment, and collapse on my couch. 

Atlas comes in and looks around.

"I know it's messy", I say, looking at the toys thrown around and jelly spilled on the table. I never had the chance to clean up after Mom took Emmy for the night, and I didn't know Atlas would be coming up. "Sorry about that."

"Lily, it's perfectly fine just the way it is", Atlas tells me, "I want to make you some tea. That should help you."

"That would be awesome", I say, and Atlas immediately springs into action.

He brings me the tea soon after, and sits right next to me.

"Thank you for today, Atlas. It was perfect", I smile.

"Thank you, Lily. You're the one who made it perfect."

I set my tea down on the table. I hug Atlas tight. And then we kiss. 

And we kiss. And we kiss.

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