Chapter Twenty: Told from Xavier's Point of View

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Yeah, Xavier was bad. He had defied Axion. 

He moved fast; he didn't have much time. Zara lay on her side at his feet. He did his best to make her comfortable while he covered her up with some of the junk, making sure she was hidden. Then he jumped on his jet.

He was pretending to scour the ground, flying low over the area where she would have fallen, when they arrived

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He was pretending to scour the ground, flying low over the area where she would have fallen, when they arrived. It took them barely moments to come. There was an army of teachers flying through the air with their stinky plasma jets embedded in their feet. 

"I saw the flash," he said. They forced him to land and questioned him, the teachers gathering all around him, their red lights for eyes probing into him. "She fell. I went after her, but I couldn't find her. Spinnin junky killed a teacher. I wanted to find her." He slammed a fist into an open hand. "I wanted to execute her myself."

Then he held his breath. 

"Xavier Mayor, you have done well. You have shown you are zealous for Axion. We are not able to sense her electric field signature. She is dead as is her unborn child. She has received the proper justice for her crimes. Axion has expunged her from its records. She no longer exists."

He breathed out as they flew away. 

When he was sure they were sufficiently out of their visual range, he rushed back to where he had hidden Zara. He worried if he had used the appropriate amount of the Higgs. He hadn't taken much time to set the level. Too little, and the teachers might have sensed her field. That didn't happen. But too much, and she wouldn't ever wake again. Nervously, he shot her again with his Higgs pistol set in the anti-Higgs mode, hoping he did it correctly.

He held his breath again. 

She stirred, rose carefully to her feet, and then tried to kill him. He breathed out in relief. It was spinning great. In her weakened state she couldn't do too much, but she tried. She flailed at him with her fists, pounding them into his chest. He expected it. He liked it. What? No, he didn't like it at all. He was glad she was okay, but it made him mad. 

"Why did you do- Aaarrrgggg." She bent over from another contraction. 

"I'm taking you to the hospital."

She didn't argue. 

Once he carried her to his jet, carefully set her in his seat, and jumped on in front of her, he lifted softly into the air. He carried precious cargo, and he didn't want to spill her. He flew towards the Atraville hospital complex gleaming white in the afternoon sun, its supernatant spires reaching up into the sky. It featured a maze of forms and towers all connected together in a complex network of walkways. He imagined doctors and nurses rushing back and forth through those walkways between patients and practices, performing operations and diagnostics. They would know how to help her.

 They would know how to help her

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