Margaret comes into the bedroom...

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Fandom: The Gray Garden


She closes the door behind her after she comes in, she begins to glance around the room and barf at every-single-thing his bedroom contained. Flames, vibrant red everywhere, a royal couch and even a canopy bed; it looked pretty fancy with all the red-transparent curtains attached to the sides of the bed. "Urghh, he has some weird tastes.." Margaret muttered with a sudden shiver come from the bottom of her back all the way up to her shoulders.

After a few minutes, she finally stopped gazing at the exotic furniture and realized that a certain demon-ruler was nowhere to be seen. "What the hell, where is that dumb-ass?" she looked around the room, quickly scanning the surroundings and nothing popped in her mind where Ivlis' location was. Out of nowhere, a familiar voice echoed the room, "Man, you must suck at hide-and-seek," immediately Margaret jumped out of her wits and looked around looking for him, "What the- where the hell are you Ivlis?"

"Well you shouldn't really be saying 'hell' since we ARE in hell," he chuckles, "Ok come out RIGHT NOW." Margaret starts to get irritated from his games, "Alright alright, as you wish~"

Suddenly a thump was heard. Margaret opened her eyes from from the impact that hit her chest and suddenly her vision sharpens, clearly seeing Ivlis on top of her and her hands clutched tightly from the grip of his.
A awkward silence was between them.
"...What are you doing?" Margaret obviously disturbed and shuffling in her situation, "Whaaaaaat, I'm giving you your Birthday Present~" He answered straightforwardly giving a dodgy grin to her face. "....My Birthday has gone past already." "Well don't sweat the small details I wasss... busy." He scratched his head after his response clearly showing a hint of a lie in his words.

"Even I can tell your bullshitting right now," Margaret's face turned into a scowl, "Heh, seriously YOU DO NOT WANT TO KNOW," He put up a poke-face.

Pretty sure in that case Margaret mentally groaned.

"Well, time to do the good stuff~" he smirked, "Wha- huh, w-what do you mean?" Margaret starts to sweat bullets, "Oho, you 'know' what I mean," he smiled to the point where his sharp teeth were shown.
Suddenly he ripped Margaret's dress into shreds clearly showing a view of Margaret naked and her breasts covered with her bra, "W-whoa, HEY that dress was my favourite!" her faced started to have 50 shades of grey- I mean, red. "Don't worry I'll pay for a new one; my treat~"
With his sharp hands he quickly cuts through her bra leaving her breasts out in the open, "Wha- hey!" immediately Margaret covers them with her own hands, "Hey don't cover them, I'm going to make you feel 'good'~"
Ivlis inched his face closer to Margaret's leaving only about a inch between their faces until they clash, "Open wide~" He answered in a weirdly tone, "What do you mean-" When Margaret spoke with her mouth open suddenly their faces clashed leaving them with a kiss.

"Mhmmm! Hm..mHph.." her sounds were muffled due to her tongue being crashed with Ivlis' and the sounds of slobber moving around. It felt amazing, Ivlis obviously fought for dominance over her tongue but obviously Margaret obediently obeyed after what felt like forever they parted and gasped for oxygen to fill their lungs.
Already Margaret's face was flushed and warm liquid was flowing down her forehead, Ivlis licked his lips cleaning any slobber that seemed to escape from his mouth.
"Hmm, am I imagining it, or have you gone better with kissing, brat?" He scoffed from his own sentence, "Heh, you know so, you just kissed me," Margaret smirked, "Oh, someone's gettin' cheeky," he scoffed.

Suddenly, Ivlis brought one of his leg between the spot between Margaret's two legs and grinded really hard at her hole, making Margaret groan from the touch and shuffle around in discomfort. "Hmm, I know you like it," he said in a tone, "N-nrgh, i-in your dreams h-heh..." Margaret kept grunting with her breath and she seemed to have struggle breathing, "Really now..?" finishing that sentence, he pushed her arms away showing her breasts out in the open, "W-what are you doing..?" Margaret's face clearly went paler by the minute, "Whaaaaaat, I'm just doing you a special favor, nothing biggie~" he responded with ease but, before Margaret could protest his fingers slowly went up to her nipple, giving them a slight pinch. "Ngh.." Her body gave off a twitch clarifying she felt the impact and so Ivlis gladly carried on.

To make it even more torturing, he started licking her nipples, teasing them as they slowly gotten erected, "U-urgh..n-ngh..s-stop.." she started to breathe heavily, her feet started to curl from the pleasure, "Hmm,but I can see your enjoying this, look, they're even erected," to show his point he pinched both of them and Margaret's body shook like a lightning bolt went through it, "Nrgh, a-ahh~" the sounds that came out of her mouth seem to smoothly echo throughout the room like a calming wind.

"Well, if you're saying you're not enjoying it, then fine," he started to grind harder between her legs making Margaret give out muffled groans, "I'll make you enjoy it," he grinned from her state of mind. Margaret started panting, it's like she couldn't control her body's desires and is gradually becoming a hot mess only from his fingers and mouth already her face was in a lewd state. Eyes drooping, almost in a daze, her mouth half-opened from all of the sparks that seemed to pop within her with slobber coming down which gave her cheeks a red-flush, even her arms were collapsed beside her, no strength to move them and her body felt weak.

...To be honest Ivlis was veeeeery close to being turned on. Almost.

"Well, I think that's enough," suddenly, he stopped grinding her down below and the teasing of her nipples which are now erect, you can hear a slight whimper Margaret gave off from her mouth from lack of touch. "Haah..haah, d-don't s-stop, p-puh-please... hah," Margaret begged while squirming around from the heat that came from the spots Ivlis touched, he turned his face around, facing away Margaret, "Buut, I heard you wanted to stop~" Ivlis grinned to himself, you can hear in the air that a groan came out of Margaret, she knew she wanted to get done fast. Instead what she did something like she was indosed with drugs. "Puh..p-please.." she panted, before he knew it, Ivlis turned to see a hot mess, but his eyes widen.

She was sitting up, with her legs apart and her hand clutching to the spot between her legs and her mouth opened wide giving off a moan, "I w-want it..badly," her breathing was already messed up, at this point, Ivlis couldn't control himself anymore. "Well, seems like you've grown, brat." He faced her and started to strip right down to the bone and making Margaret see it in centimeters away is torture. Ivlis turned his face to glance at hers, already he could tell she wanted to hurry up since her face became seductive way too quickly. "Ah, somebody's impatient," as he finished his sentence, Ivlis started licking her at the earlobe and slowly licked down to her nabe giving her butterfly kisses after his slobber seemed to mark his territory, Margaret shuddered from the contact and groaned when the liquid started to get cold on her body making her moan out unconsciously. Because of it her hips started to thrust forward, implying that her hole is need of treatment, Ivlis glanced at her action and smirked. he stopped what he was doing and moved forward, to the point where his member was in front of her mouth. "Unless you want to feel like this all-day, be my guest." Immediately she obediently opened her mouth to accept his rod. At that moment Ivlis groaned from the amount of heat surrounding his rod and was close to the point of moaning, too bad he couldn't recover as Margaret started to move up and down causing friction on his sensitive skin to stop himself from moaning out he bit his lip together making a copper taste linger in his mouth.

Margaret started to go faster and faster and the member seemed to slowly rise upwards clearly saying Ivlis is enjoying it, "Nnnghh..!" he muffled his groan and started to pant to the point where sweat dropped from his forehead, "S-stop, t-that's en-nough, b-brat..Urgh..!" the pleasure gone to a point where he was covering his mouth to muffle the moans that seemed to escape from his throat. However, Margaret didn't listen, instead she kicked in her tongue, she swirled it around his cock and even teased it on the tip making Ivlis' body twitch and his feet curling, he couldn't hold it any longer, "Ahh! a-ahhh..!" he moaned out loud he couldn't stop it as the pleasure kept building to the point he held Margaret's hair and thrust his hips making Margaret choke from the sudden action. However she carried on and kept on licking at his sensitive spot to the point where he released his seed, filling her mouth where it started to spill out. "Hahh, hah..haaah..." Ivlis' breathing started to calm down and he stared at Margaret, who gladly swallowed all of his love juice and gave of a smirk in the end, "Looks like you enjoyed it Ivlis," it made Ivlis angry. "Ohoh, the night only just begun."

He picked her up bridal-style, and launched her onto his bed with a thump, "Owww!" besides the bed was a glass with liquid in it that gave off a eerie aura. He grabbed it and poured the mixture into his mouth and made Margaret open her mouth by implying pleasure from pinching her nipple which made her swallow all of the liquid by kissing her. "Ack *cough* w-what's *cough* in t-that Liquid..?!" she coughed, spluttering drops of the liquid, "That," he smirked, "Was something kinda like a drug to enhance your sexual desire anddd you can't use your abilities for at least another 24 hours," he quickly hastened his explanation and was on the point where he topped Margaret. "Wait..what?!" she spluttered when she understood what he just said in a second, "You can't just do th-" Ivlis stopped her nagging with a kiss and when they separated, "Well, I just did."

Ivlis carried on kissing, giving no time for Margaret to carry on her complaint until she felt weak and her vision was blurry, "w-waiit, t-the room so blurry..?" she said in a daze, "Oh, the drug started to kick in," Ivlis implied, to show proof he slowly moved down his finger on her skin making her moan, "It increases your sensitivity and well, makes you horny technically," he grinned when he saw her face look like a baby who just woke up from her nap. "So I am giving you the best night of youuurrr life~"

Suddenly, he moved his face away and instead putted his interest to her wings that were conveniently opened, "It's funny, I heard from someone that their wings are very 'sensitive'" he started touching them, even feeling the material, "wow, it's pretty soft," Ivlis stroked her feathers softly like they were precious, Margaret's body began to shook and twitch from certain spots that Ivlis touched on her wing, "Oh, is this your sensitive spot?" for his amusement he pinched at the tip of her feathers, making her face move forward from the impact making her moan out loud, "AHHH!~" her mouth was still opened, slobber came out and her cheeks became bright red, her feet began to curl. "Hmm, I think that's enough," quickly he searched around his room and picked up some lube, Margaret slowly glanced at him and the object he was holding, "W-wassst dat?" her words were slurred, "Hm, oh, something to prepare you~" He went back to the position and brought Margaret's legs apart making Margaret's eyes widen, "W-Wat ar ya d-doing..?" he turned his face upwards, "like I said, something to prepare you," he squirted out some liquid and covered his hands with it and started to insert a finger into her hole, "A-Arghh! Urgh.." Margaret felt the pain and whimpered from the cold liquid that seemed to move inside her, Ivlis was trying to stretch inside her, scissoring her flesh to prepare what's coming next, "Hmm, I think that's enough~" he stood up and putting in front of her mouth was his member, "Just cover it with all of your saliva," he smirked.

Since Margaret was not in her right mind, she obeyed like a puppy, swallowing the whole thing into her mouth licking it with her saliva and feeling his flesh in her mouth, it started to harden and rise upwards, Ivlis could feel the touch and groaned, "A-alright, that's enough," he took it out and positioned in a comfortable spot to where his cock was positioned at her entrance. Margaret could feel something below her and urged for Ivlis to put it in already, "P-please Ivlis, I can't hold it in anymore~" he gladly obeyed and entered her, "Argh! Urgh..!" pain and at the same time, pleasure started coursing in her body it seemed like it wouldn't stop, "Ahh! Aghhh..!" she tried muffling her sounds but ending in vain. Ivlis didn't move until she gotten used to it, and started thrusting. The sounds of liquid and skin together echoed the room and moans started to come out from each other. He started to thrust faster, until he was at his climax, "I'm I-'m gonna..!" he screamed when the walls started to cave in, "urgh, a-ahhh!~" Margaret moaned, she could feel his seed filling her insides 'til the point where it overflowed and drooled down from her entrance to the quilt.

The two panted heavily, after reaching to their climax and in the end Ivlis collapsed on top of her and gave her a kiss on the forehead.
"Night brat."

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