lemme smash quoted by Marshall 2017

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Fandoms: The Gray Garden


When people hear my name, Ivlis, they would quiver with fear, their eyes would widen as if they seen my existence in front of their very eyes and they would tremble knowing their life will end if one was to speak my name.



Here I am, being MAN-HANDLED no, not by a woman oh no, a PURE MAN, same as MY gender, is holding me tightly, as If I am a fragile piece of treasure and apparently, a very comfortable body-pillow, only for his uses. I squint my eyes in disdain. If I remembered correctly, before I went to bed, I'm pretty sure I went to sleep with my wife who last time I saw, was a perfectly grown woman with breasts and other things yet now I see before me...

Is a man.

'What the fuck' is what I was thinking the second I opened my eyes at the middle of the night to my misfortune, it was only a pure coincidence I woke up since I felt a bit of discomfort on my part, and the reason was because of how this man had somehow pulled me closer to his body. Honestly, I'm surprised I didn't scream, thankfully, I didn't or else I expect that the scream that'll be emitted from the almighty myself, will be akin to a little girl, according to my secretary that is.

Also, it is due to the amount of times I had been with that dislikable man that whenever someone a male especially, is so close to me- intimately, I would go from being a powerful devil, to a shivering mess. I shook my head for a few seconds, to get rid of the image of the man himself and focus back to the situation. Currently, I can see that my eyes have adjusted to the darkness of the room which meant I could take a look closer at the person who thought they could cuddle with a devil like myself. The first thing I noticed is how disgustingly blue his hair was.

It reminded him of the ocean he once took a glance at once upon a time, when he tried taking over The Gray Garden and as I gazed downwards is how pale his skin was; pure snow white. The only signs of him alive was how his mouth opened time to time to intake bits of air and how his body raised and lowered repeatedly. His eyelashes were surprisingly long, similar to a female and the only way to proof that he wasn't a female was how he didn't seem to be wearing any sort of clothing on him which revealed his skinny structure and nether regions.

'What the fuck, he has muscle?' After confirming that somehow my wife randomly converted into a male all of a sudden, especially in the middle of the night, I have started questioning the fact that somehow my wife has muscle on him.
The only things she- I mean, he has done was lazying around in his castle, meeting with her ugh, friends go out for food and huh, she- he, really didn't do much exercise did she- I mean, he?

'I mean,' I thought, 'I guess the only thing that required manual labour was the times when we had to go somewhere with distance,' my face morphed into a frown, 'Ugh, I don't want to remember those times again...'
It was very very embarrassing, none of us had the ability to fly because for me, that PIECE OF SHIT OF A GOD 'ahem' ripped my beautiful, priceless wings out without remorse while my good-for-nothing wife didn't have strong wings in the beginning. However, there was a catch.

It seems like if my wife converts into her male form, she- I mean, he, is a lot stronger physically and is able to fly longer and carry an extra passenger in other words, me.
OF COURSE TO MY DISLIKE, He had to carry me bridal-style, if it wasn't mortifying enough that I couldn't fly, I looked like a damsel in distress and that I didn't agree with, so of course, I struggled in the journey. Sadly I had to stop my retaliation after hearing his threat to drop me and I was silent throughout the whole journey. I didn't like his smug as if he won, oh I'm going to wipe his face off when we land.

Back to the present, looking back onto his wife's torso, 'maybe you can change your body? if so, that would make sense, because there is no way he would've gained so much in one night.' Suddenly, my wife started to move and that made me flinch, he started to bring me closer to his body and it was successful since I didn't really do anything to go against his wishes and that is why I am currently inches away from his face and my body is completely in touch with his. I can feel the hotness rushing to my cheeks 'IDIOT FORCE THE BLUSH DOWN, ME' and gradually it went down, similar to a dying flame.

After getting rid of my embarrassment and the feeling of enjoyment due to body contact and how it came with body warmth, slowly shuffled to get out of his wife's clutches which ended in vain as instead he could hear him grumble in complaint and pulled him closer, 'damn it'.
Seriously, my face is THAT close to kissing his face which is not a GOOD TIME 'damn it' and I made my hands stuck together to my chest as if protecting them from his wife's clutches and currently it's working and I have no idea what to do now.


Wait a minute.

Do I-?

Is that, what I think it is?

Looking downwards ever, so, slowly,

I see a stir in his wife's nether regions, currently twitching and instead of limp, it's straight, digging into where- 'oh how delightful', where mine was but the difference, it's limp.


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