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Wattpad Account: WhiteThunder0

Name: White

Last name: Thunder (Usually White & Thunder is just combined)

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Birthday: 20th November

Age: 14

Personality: Cheerful, teaser, lazy, not very serious

Love interest: *Cough cough* Find out yourself :P

Occupations: Unemployed :D

Like: Drawing, books, cats, playing games, listening to music, Animes, Mythologies

Dislike: Stress, bitter taste, overthinking, math, romance. I have another one, but it's going to be very weird if I write it down

Favorite food: Katsu Ramen. Or literally any ramen in general

Favorite drink: Ice lemon tea

Favorite color: Yellow. ...And White. Also I'm partially colorblind

Fashion style: Mostly I just wear hoodies. Or if it's hot, I wear short sleeve shirt with long pants

Your hair style: Black short, straight hair. Sometimes messy. And by sometimes, I mean all the times

Looks in general: Black straight/messy hair, blue eyes.

To give you a visual on what I look like:

Relationship with collab members: We're all friends

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Relationship with collab members: We're all friends

What you're scared of: Eucalyptus Oil. Don't ever show up to me with that.

Your life goal: Live my life and just survive everything life throws at me.

If you want to communicate with me, you can use these languages: English, Indonesian, Malay

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