My Feelings for You

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    It had only been a month since his arrival in America, a whole month- and in that month he had only shared a house with his two new housemates (longtime best friends) for only a fraction of that time.
    The three friends had travelled to San Diego for TwitchCon together, they had ventured out to Texas to visit Sapnap's family, and had visited many more places. Meeting up with friends, family and even fans. It had been an exhausting almost three weeks of extra travel- George wasn't complaining, however, as Dream did promise him a tour of the US of fucking A, upon his arrival.

   George was finally home, the brunet Brit thought it to be a little overwhelming, exciting even, that he was finally able to call this mansion in Florida his home, and it was finally a reality to him. Almost a decade long of knowing Dream and he was now finally able to be with him in person, in their home. And here he was, seated on the absurdly large and comfortable grey sofa, cat in lap, a morning cup of tea to his side, in the huge shared home the three now have in Florida, his new home.
    Even though it had only accumulated to a small number of days that he easily could count with his two hands that he'd lived with his two online best friends, George found he quickly adapted to the habits of his best friends in the short time they had spent together in person. And he was also able to quickly slot himself into the 'routine' (although messy) his two friends had.

   Sapnap, the youngest of the three, was the one who surprisingly had the most discipline to routinely maintain a 'schedule' throughout his day. He would generally be the first one asleep at night and the first to wake in the morning, given he wasn't on the phone with Karl all night long. He would be the one to turn on the kettle for his and Dream's morning tea (if the older boy woke in time) and give morning kisses to as well as feed Patches, Dream's cat baby. He would tidy up whatever mess the boys made the night before, and somehow manage to shower and make up a small buffet of eggs, toast, and sometimes bacon for the three if he felt like it, all somehow before George woke up.

   Dream, however, was the complete polar opposite of the younger boy, and George for that matter, by being the second oldest, the middle child in a way, he quite literally lived up to the rapport. His sleep pattern was everywhere, sometimes he would be in sync with Sapnap and George, and at other times it was as if he couldn't turn his mind off and wouldn't sleep proper for what seemed like days. He struggled to keep even the simplest routine, and don't even get the British male going about how often Dream didn't eat because he'd forget.
    Though it hadn't helped that the three had practically toured the entirety of the southern USA in the last three weeks since George had arrived in America, the brunet boy knew that this wasn't out of the ordinary for his blonde-haired friend.
    George knew he couldn't exactly comment on his friend's habits, as he had a horrible time fitting into a solid schedule himself over his nearly 26 years, however, he hoped that with this new change that he would be able to build up a healthier one like Sapnap's.

    With his legs extended down the L-shaped extension of the sofa that was in the main lounge, he sat with Patches who was cutely curled up in his lap. With a soft, blue and white knitted afghan he'd tossed over his legs with the small cat somehow nested comfortably between, and he was propped up against the back cushion with a few of the throw pillows that had been placed neatly on the couch the night before to keep him from slouching and hurting his back. He was extremely comfortable.
    It wasn't super late into this particular morning, it was only quarter-past-eleven, but it was still much too early for Dream to be awake yet. George ballparked that the tall blonde wouldn't be awake for at least another three hours, at minimum. It all depended on how late he was up the evening prior- all George knew is that when he'd gone to bed at one am, Dream was still wide awake.

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