chapter 6

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Sonia's pov:

"Huh!? That's such a shame, you beat me so easily!" Sonia said in a shocked tone. Sonia glanced at the clock, it was nearing night time. "Ah, look at the time. It's already so late!" Sonia said in her usually tone. She turned around, "I'm sorry Chiaki but I better get going." She said.

Chiakis Pov 

"K bye Sonia!" Chiaki yelled as Sonia lept out the door. "Hmm maybe I should get to sleep too" said chiaki to herself. The snow was still rushing in, but now in a calm soothing way. Chiaki looked at the window, all over the glass it was flooded with snow. "So pretty!" Said chiaki as she went over to her window with a chair. "Maybe snow isn't so bad" she said as she watched.

We're finally done with this :)
Thank you everyone for all of your support! We appreciate it. This has been such an amazing experience! I hope you enjoyed this just as much as we did!

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