Day Log #1106

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So, after three months, I decided to write a few things down. I honestly didn't do that much yet, because I have to keep an eye on my money, since I will stay for a whole year instead of two weeks in Japan, but I already went to a few places.

When I arrived on August in Japan, the company who helps people with Working Holiday Visa picked me up from the airport and brought me to their share house, because affording an hotel for such a long time of period might not be possible or will simply be too expensive int he long run. I felt sick for two days, because in Germany we rarely get over 30 °C in my hometown, so my body wasn't used to the heat around 35 °C daily. Well, probably my fault for choosing the hottest times in Japan to arrive here, but I was just glad to come to this place as soon as possible, due to Covid not allowing any Working Holiday Visa.

I booked a Twin room, because sharing a Dorm room is personally too much for me. I went on school trips and let me tell you, I'm done with sharing a room from six to eight people. My roommate was a young girl from Austria and she was very nice, but much too my surprise she was still in high school and came with a Business Visa to Japan. She came for one month to Japan, in her Summer Holidays, to work in a nursery where children get taught English daily. She wasn't a big fan of it, but she said she was happy to earn some money and spend it on her small trips around Tokyo.

We went to the Skytree in Asakusa and were lucky, because the Skytree was celebrating his 10th anniversary this year. I got a really nice pin and could write down a wish, before binding the ribbon to the railing they made especially for this event. It costed me 500 Yen by. Gacha Machine, but I luckily got orange.

Cooking itself was a challenge, since we were in a Sharehouse and I don't really like to cook with almost 15 people watching me curious to see what I am cooking. I ate for a whole month only meals from the konbini, what are small stores who are open 24/7, like 7Eleven, FamilyMart and Lawson here in Japan. They taste very good, but on a long term run it can get pretty expensive, since most ready meals cost around 400 Yen without taxes, who get added by the cash register once you buy it.

I went from September to October to a Language School, and I have to say I got better at Japanese. It's not perfect, but I can almost read Hiragana without a book. Katakana is still a bit rough for me, but you can chase me with Kanji. It's not so easy, honestly.

Halloween in Japan is really fun, due to most people wearing costumes and running around on the streets, mainly the famous cities, like Shibuya, Shinjuku, Ikebukuro etc.

Right now I'm looking for a job, so wish me luck.

I also can't wait to see the Christmas Markets in Japan, so I'm very excited to wander around them. Especially the one who is said to be an European Christmas Market, so being from Germany, I want to judge.

Oh well, that's all for today. It's right now 03:30 AM and I should probably get some sleep.

I wish you all a wonderful morning/day/evening ^^

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