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in which frank and yn confess tbeir love on halloween
(no tw/smut)

It was Halloween or your best friend franks
birthday, he's turning 17 this year. you guys decided that you were gonna go to some costume party, but you're too fond of parties, frank insisted you guys could go to his house and watch some movies but you knew he'd probably rather go to a party. you're both gonna dress up as vampires, you were sat at your vanity as you buffed your red eyeshadow all under your eyes. Frank was gonna come over in a little so you could "make him look dead." you hurried up your makeup as you applied some thick winged eyeliner and smeared some under your eyes as well, you put some lashes on and some dark red lipstick accentuating your cupid bow making it sharper. you hear someone coming up the stairs, it's either your dad or frank, the door aggressively opens and you hear "BOO!" you turn around "hey birthday boy" you smile at him "hey y/n, you look good" he smiles, and shows his fangs. "oh shit I need to put my fangs on hold up." you open your vanity drawer and grab your fangs and some fake blood. Frank walks up behind you and props his hands on your shoulders, "you sure you wanna go to the party, we don't have to we can just watch a movie" he looks at your reflection in the mirror as you apply the fangs. "please Frankie it's fine, it'll be fun, maybe" you say with a slight lisp as you run your tongue across your fangs. you turn around and smile at frank, "like em'?" "yeah, they look sick" "ok sit on my bed I need to do your makeup now" frank walks over and jumps onto your bed as you get up. you grab an eyeshadow pallet that has red black gray and some other colors, you also have some concealer that is far too light for him pencil eyeliner, and a few makeup brushes. you set it all down next to him and sit close to him without sitting too close. "alright look up for a second, also don't move I'm gonna be putting this really close to your eye, ok?" "mhm," frank looks up as you put some eyeliner in his waterline he moves and blinks, "Frankie you gotta stop moving" "ok ok sorry" you go to do the other eye but he keeps moving, you sigh and straddle his lap and grab his face. frank sits there shocked as you apply the eyeliner in and under his eyes "see, not that hard when you sit still" you grab the concealer and smear it all over his face and blend it. you blend some red eyeshadow all over his eyes. "ok, done" you get off his lap and he gets up to look at what you did to his face "I actually like it, my eye kinda burns though from you shoving a pencil in it" he rolls his eyes "you wouldn't sit still, oh hold on" you walk next to him and grab the tube of fake blood and dab some on to the tip of your ring finger and put some on your lip. "want some fake blood?" "hell yeah" you apply some to franks bottom lip. "ok I need to get my costume on," you say as you walk to the edge of your bed where you had a short dark red dress a black corset and some fishnets draped on it. "I'll be right back I need to change" you grab the stuff and walk into your bathroom and quickly change, you check yourself before you go back out, and to be honest you look really good, the corset makes your figure look curvier than normal and the dress shows a little bit of cleavage. you walk out of the bathroom and open your door "TAA DAAA!!" you say then do a little spin "like it?" you say smiling. frank kinda looks at your wide-eyed you were nervous he thought you looked bad or something, "yeah, you look really nice" "you don't look too bad yourself" you look at him in tight black skinny jeans and a white button-up with a red tie. "oh I have an idea if you don't mind maybe ruining the button up you have on?" "what is it?" "fake blood splats," you say as you walk over and grab the fake blood. "oh that's actually a good idea y/n" after you both put the blood on his shirt you quickly grab your high-top converse and lace them up. you and frank walk down the stairs, your dad was on the couch watching scream, "oh shit there's vampires in the house, let me go get a wooden stake!!" you and frank both laugh at your dad's cheesy comment. "y'all look good though, frank keep the guys away from y/n though" your dad laughs "dad!!" "Don't worry Mr. l/n" you're both standing at the door now, "so where are you guys even going?" "Halloween party," you say "ok just be back before 11 and if you go over to Franks make sure to let me know, love you kiddo and happy birthday frank," your dad says, you leave and lock the door as you both walk over to Franks car. you shiver at the crisp fall air, it was nice out. you both get in the car and blast misfits. it was a 15 minute drive but you finally got there, frank looks at your slightly nervous expression. "y/n/n we don't have to go I promise I won't be upset or anything" "no it's ok I need to get over this anyways" you open the door get out and smooth the back of your dress and sigh at the cool air, there was already a lot of people there. you look at the house for a second and frank comes up behind you and quietly says "it'll be ok" it gives you the shivers as his warm breath hit your neck. he lightly grabs your hand as you both walk in. you're greeted by loud music and the scent of alcohol, mmh. you both walk in and find ray, Mikey, and Gerard in the corner all with drinks in hand. "hey guys!!" Gerard says and hugs you "hi Gee!" after you greet everyone you and frank walk over to get drinks and before you're back to the group frank whispers in your ear "if you want to leave at any point tell me" "ok," you say breathlessly. you're back with everyone and before you know it it's already been a good hour, you walk over to get another drink by yourself but you're hit with a huge wave of nervousness, you can't breathe, you run to the bathroom and open the door but there's basically people fucking in there so you stumble to the door to leave but some guy stops you before you can get out. "hey pretty girl" you nervously look at him "um hi?" "have you been having a good time tonight, want a drink?" "oh! I'm fine I was just going to get fresh air" the guy grabs your hand. "we can go to the back patio" your breath gets caught in your throat "u-um im ok I'm going outside to see someone" that's a lie. "but I want to get to know you" he starts to direct you back into the crowd of people "so do you want a drink?" "I'm ok I've already had 3" you try to free yourself from his grip "another won't hurt.. we're at a party," he says as he fills another what seems to be a used solo cup and hands it to you. he pulls you to a hallway where no one really is, your heart sinks. "so do you have a boyfriend?" "no.." "surprising.. you're so pretty I'm shocked you're not chasing people away, I could be your boyfriend," he says and pushes your hair out of your face "no I'm really ok I'm interested in someone" he moves his face closer to yours but you quickly break from his grip and stumble to the door and out of the house and collapse onto the curb, maybe having another drink wasn't the best idea. you start unconditionally crying but you don't really know why you debate going home right now but you decided not to, it might hurt Frank's feelings but you also didn't think he cared. you pulled a cigarette and lighter out of your bra and finish your beer. it's probably been a good 15 minutes and frank asks the guys if they also think it's been a while since they've seen you. frank quickly starts to look for you he made sure not to have too many drinks in case something like this happened. he goes outside and sees you sitting on the curb. "y/n??, what's wrong??" he says and sits next to you. "oh nothing I just got a little nervous that's all" you didn't want to tell him about the guy, you knew he'd get upset and probably want to fight him or something. you both watched a group of kids trick or treating. Frank gets up and grabs your hand, "what?" "we're trick or treating," Frank says with a smirk "but Frankie, don't you think we're a little old?" "who cares let's go," you say "remember when we were like mmh? 6 or 7 and we dressed up as vampires and we went trick or treating," you say then laugh "of course I do" you both go to the first house and realize you don't have bags so you both just decide to walk until you get to a house that just and a bowl out and take a pice then watch a move at franks or something especially cause it was getting cold. you both grab lollipops and sit on a curb, no one was really over here it was just you two. Frank pulls out a cigarette and lights it as you have your lollipop, frank takes a drag and puffs it away from you, and says "we really didn't have to go to that party but I'm glad we did" "me too" you go to look over at him but your faces were a lot closer than either one of you expected. neither of you moved you both just made awkward eye contact, frank set his cigarette in the grass and he lightly grabbed your face. you shiver, and all of a sudden frank closes the gap between you too, you quickly flushed pink. this wasn't the first time you had kissed, you guys had your first kiss together when you were both 13 to "get it out of the way" you had also kissed when you both got violently high but that was just more of an aggressive makeout session because frank got frustrated with you but you guys managed to start making out. this felt different than that. he was so tender with you, but as quickly as it started it had ended, "sorry i- I don't know why I d-" frank says panicked but you wrapped your arms around his neck and kiss him again, it was still very gentle but frank slightly opens his mouth and swiped his tongue on your lip, you slightly pull away already needing air but you kept your mouth to his "you taste sweet" frank mutters against your lips you just hum in response, frank connects your lips again and slides his tongue into your mouth as you both just slowly kiss. you've liked frank since you were probably 11 and you hoped he liked you and wasn't kissing you just to kiss you. the kiss started to heat up a little but you both pull away and pant for a second. your phone goes off, it's your dad "hey kiddo I know it's short notice but I just got called for a work trip tonight, please make sure to still be home by 11, I'll be back Thursday, love you tell frank I say happy birthday again." you close your phone and frank says "what's that about" "..which thing?" frank hits your arm, "your dad idiot" "oh work trip tonight I guess" "when's he gonna be back?" "Thursday, if you don't mind could I stay at your house while he's gone I hate being in that house alone" "of course, do you still want to watch a movie tonight, we can watch nightmare before Christmas" he smiles "sure" you both walk back to his car, "soo, um y/n can we talk?" he says uncomfortably as we got in the car, immediately you knew what about, "of course frank" you say as your face heats up, frank very quickly stutters "i don't wanna fuck anything up but this has been really bothering me, uh- i really like you, not in a friends in a- in a i love you way, y/n."  you stare at him for a second shocked at what he said "i- i really like you too frankie,"

2230 words, i'll probably make a part 2 sometime soon, i felt like it was getting long LOL

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