Daughter's first period

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You was sitting on the couch waiting for husband, Hyunjin,  he was making some popcorn because you planned with Hyunjin and your daughter, June

You saw Hyunjin entering the living room with a two bowls of popcorn
Probably salt and sweet popcorn

(Which do you prefer? I like salted popcorn)

"Is June using the bathroom?" Hyunjin asked

"You know how girls are but she has it also of her father" You said and Hyunjin put the bowls on the coffee table

"What do you mean?" He asked as he ploffed on couch

"You also use the bathroom a lot" you joked

"Hey!" He said and playfully hit your arm

"What? It's true" You giggled but then you both heard a scream coming from  upstairs

"Was that June?" He asked

"Yes, it was her She probably found a spider or something" You said and you got on the couch

"I'm going to check" You said and Hyunjin nodded. You walked to stairs

When got upstairs you walked to the bathroom door and knocked on the door

"June? It's me Y/n" you said and you quietly opened the door and your eyes widened

June sat on the toilet, crying?

"Hey June, what's wrong?" You asked and you went to her, you got down on your knees and rubbed her arm

"W-Why i-is there b-blood i-in my u-underwear?" June sobbed

"Because your menstruation started and that means you become a woman" you said softly

"B-But w-why now?" She asked and looked to you

"I don't know, sweetheart it's your body you can't decide it but every  woman once get" you said

June softly cried

"I'm going to call Hyunjin, okay" you said and she nodded

"Hyunjin? Can you come!" You called for him and within a few seconds Hyunjin came upstairs and he found and June in the bathroom

"What's wrong?" He asked and you could see in his eyes he was concerned

"June got her first period" You said

"I'm going to call my mom" Hyunjin said and pulled out his phone abd he went to call his mother for advice

"It's completely normal" you said with calming voice and rubbed her leg

She looked at you

"It's mean you are becoming a woman" you smiled

Hyunjin came back and he told you what you could do like keep the stomach warm, eat chocolate

After a hour

June went into a warm bath and after that she put some comfy clothes on

Currently you three were sitting on the couch, June sat in the middle with her head on your chest with a blanket to keep her warm watching a movie

You looked to Hyunjin and he looked to you

You smiled and he smiled back

- Hyunjin x male reader oneshots✅️Where stories live. Discover now