flinching during an argument (requested)

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"Hey," Karina greeted as she walked through the bedroom door.

You were sitting on the bed, scrolling through your phone in silence.

For a second, Karina thought you had your earbuds in and couldn't hear what she was saying.

But when she took a closer look at you, she saw that you had nothing covering your ears, so you were hearing every word loud and clear.

"Are you ignoring me now?" She asked as she folded her arms over her chest.


"Then why won't you talk to me? When I get home, you're usually talking my ears off."

"Well, maybe I'm just not in the mood to listen to you talk right now." You said and watched as she rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"This is about earlier?"

"Gee, Karina, you think? I thought we were going to have a nice breakfast together. But then you left."

"You know how these things go, Y/N. You know that sometimes, things come up and change at the last minute. I told you that I'd make it up to you. I have tomorrow off so we can be together."

"But that's exactly it! This breakfast was you making things up to me for the last time our plans changed at the last minute."

She scoffed before she walked out of the bedroom and into the bathroom and in frustration, you followed after her.

"Do you mind? I need a shower."

"Well, can I take one with you? So we can talk more and spend a few minutes together."

"Thought you didn't want to talk to me."

"I don't want to argue. But I don't want to go to bed angry either. It's not good for us or our relationship." You explained.

She grumbled quietly, mumbling words under her breath.

You stepped closer to her with a heavy sigh and as you put your hand on her shoulder, she snapped.

"Just stop! Go back to the bedroom. You're angry with me and I'm angry with you too!"

"What did I do?" You asked in disbelief.

"You're too clingy and you don't seem to understand that I have other things to do sometimes and I can't always be around you! Sometimes it's nice when things come up. You annoy me so much."

"I annoy you? By wanting to spend time with you? Then why don't you just go back to the studio or to dance practice tomorrow? Maybe you annoy me just as much!"

"You know what!" She yelled as she raised her hand to untie her hair from the ponytail it was in.

But when you saw her raise her hand, you freaked out and thought she was raising it for something else.

Flinching, you raised your hands to cover your face as you let out a quiet whimper and Karina's heart dropped.

She lowered her hand to rest it on her thigh as she watched you lower your hands with a trembling breath.

"Y/N..." She quietly said, staring at you with a heartbreaking look of intense sadness.

But you looked at her with the same gaze.

"I-I'm sorry."

"No, don't say sorry." She said as she gently put her hands on your arms. "I don't know what got into me and I'm so very sorry for everything that I said. I didn't mean it."

"Why did you say any of it?"

"I was angry and frustrated. But not with you, I promise. I was frustrated from work and not being able to spend the day together as we planned. It put me in an awful mood and I took it out on you and I shouldn't have done that."

You looked into her eyes, noticing that there were tears in them.

"I'm truly sorry. But I swear to you, I'd never hurt you. I wouldn't ever put my hands on you. It doesn't matter how upset I may be or how bad my day is, I wouldn't ever hit you."

You put your arms around her for a tight hug, finding the comfort you so badly needed.

"I'm sorry I said you were annoying and I'm sorry for everything else I said."

"I'm sorry too, baby." She chuckled as she rubbed your back. "I feel awful."

"Can we put it behind us?"

"As long as you know that I'd never hurt you."

"I know." You said as you gently took her hand into yours. "I love you."

"I love you too." She said as she kissed your head. "I promise, I'm making this up to you. For real this time. No interruptions and no one or nothing can ruin it. It's you and me, all day tomorrow, no matter what."

You cracked a small smile as you let out a contented sigh, grateful that everything was fine.

Karina Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now