The Game 1: Just The Beginning

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Once there was a boy called harry and he liked to play games on his iPad but one time a game wanted to downloaded without him going onto the App Store but he accepted anyways and wants to game download he pressed play but then he felt like he was passing out and suddenly he got sucked into his iPad when he woke up he was in some sort of lobby there was a ton of different characters to pick except he decided to pick someone called ice man after he spawned there was someone called josiah there and Josiah straight up killed him but harry didn't die no he Respawned like in a game so harry picked ice man again and learned what ice man could do and eventually harry met josiah again and they both tried to kill teach other but they both dodged each other's attacks and they realised they would not be able to kill each other so they decided to play the most deadliest game to ever excist and it would determine who would die and who would live. That game was called Scissors paper rock. They had about 99 ties and at the 100th try harry won but instead of killing josiah he became friends with Josiah and he accepted because harry was threatening his life. then they both were out of the game but harry was late to school so he ran as fast as he could to school but when he got there he realised that it was the holidays but he met someone called Josiah and it was the Josiah from the game! They became friends in real life and in the game but a year later they met a mysterious person. His name was Gabriel. Since Gabe was new to the school they all became friends and have all been friends ever since

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