Chapter 7

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Katherine's day went from bad to worse. Her mother's breathing grew labored, and Katherine begged and pleaded with her to go to the hospital, but she refused. Dora was adamant that they had all they needed and that the moment would pass.

It did, but dinner was over by the time Dora was sleeping fitfully.

Katherine asked Abby to sit with Dora and let her clean the kitchen. It took some coaxing, but they both needed a break from what they were doing and Abby needed to rest her weary feet. Katherine had placed the last piece of China in the cabinet when he heard laughter coming from the drawing room.

It made her wander down the hallway to a shadowed area by the stairs where she watched her sisters, father, Alistair, Simon, and Nadine sipping drinks and talking among themselves. 

Katherine took a few minutes to watch Nadine and Alistair standing beside each other, talking with George. They looked perfect together, and Katherine wondered, for the hundredth time that day, what their relationship was exactly. Katherine felt something turn in her stomach when Jillian joined the little group and linked her arm with Alistair's.

It was the final straw on a horrible day, and she couldn't take it any longer, so she stepped forward into the room. She knew she was a mess. Her hair had tumbled down long ago, her t-shirt had water splattered on it, and her jeans were stained with flower pollen and cough medicine.

Alistair immediately broke loose from Jillian and took a step toward her as if he was going to catch her if she fell, which meant she must look worse than she felt, and Katherine shook her head, telling him to stop.

"I thought I would let you all know that Mom is through the worst and resting." Katherine knew they had all been oblivious to her mother's struggles that evening as they ate their dinner and drank their wine, but if they had any concern for Dora, she wanted to see it.

The girls all looked anywhere and everywhere but at her, and George forced a smile as his eyes shot daggers at Katherine.

"Thank you for letting us know, Katie. I knew she was in capable hands with you," he raised his glass, and everyone but Alistair followed his example.

"Thanks, Dad," she sarcastically drawled, turned on her heel, and walked out.

What had been the point? All it had done was upset her more. It had gotten Jillian away from Alistair, but only temporarily. She wanted to storm out and say to hell with all of them, but then her mother would be alone, and she couldn't do that to her.

When she got to the end of the hallway, just outside the kitchen door, she leaned against the wall, taking deep breaths and blinking rapidly to fight back the tears.

"It really is you, isn't it? Katherine Rhodes!" Nadine said in an excited whisper as she suddenly popped up only inches from Katherine's face.  "You're so beautiful!"

"Ummm," Katherine's eyes grew wide, unsure how she should handle the situation. 

"It's all right. You don't have to say a word. Alistair told me all about you being incognito. He knows all about that kind of stuff. I did want to get you alone to let you know that I am one of your biggest fans, and I'm super excited to meet you!" Nadine grabbed her hand and started pumping it while Katherine stared mutely at her. Was she crazy?

"Between you and me, I don't think Alistair wants Simon to know who you are." Nadine looked over her shoulder when she heard footsteps.

It was Alistair, and he was headed directly for them.

"Why doesn't he want Simon to know who I am?" Katherine asked in a normal voice, and Nadine hushed her.

"He's shy." Nadine smiled, and Katherine choked on her disbelief. "It's either that or he's jealous?" Her voice sounded thoughtful as she watched Alistair walk toward them.

"Nadine, I told you-"

"Incognito, I know." Nadine nodded her head in agreement. "But I just had to tell her I was a fan." She looked over at Katherine, who was staring at Alistair with confusion.

"I think Katherine has had enough for one day," Alistair looked at her with concern.

Katherine nodded and stood, wobbling a little from exhaustion and stress.

Alistair automatically reached for her. "When was the last time you ate?" he asked, taking in her parlor.

"About five," she frowned as she tried to recall.

"This evening?" Alistair asked as she placed an arm around her waist.

"No, this morning. I've been busy." Katherine rubbed her forehead. "I should check on Mom."

"No, you should eat and then get some rest." Alistair turned to Nadine, who was watching them with interest. "Nadine, would you please tell the others that I have received an important phone call and may not return this evening."

"It was nice to meet you, Nadine." Katherine gave her a weak smile.

Nadine nodded without comment, gave them one more curious glance, then turned and returned to the party.

"Now, where is the kitchen?" Alistair asked, taking most of Katherine's weight as he followed her directions and then sat her at the counter. "What would you like, a sandwich or an omelet?"

"What are you doing here, Alistair?" Katherine asked as she rubbed her face. "It's not just a coincidence, is it?"

Alistair smiled as he took some eggs from the refrigerator and began hunting for a pan.

"No, I went to Wyatt and asked him how I could find you. Once I assured him that my intentions were honorable, he willingly offered the information." Now, he was hunting for a spatula.

"So, your family knows about us now?" Katherine asked. Not that it mattered, she would probably never see any of them again.

Alistair stopped and looked at her. "Katherine, they have always known about us. I've never told them, but they are an observant bunch, and their track record is such that they figured it out long before we did."

"But why are you here?" He hadn't answered her question. He had told her how he had found her but not why.

"The next and final time I ask you to marry me, I want all the details so that I can counter any argument you might offer." He was hunting for something else now.

"After today, I thought you would run for the hills." Katherine sniffed, thinking about it.

"Where is the cooking spray?" Alistair asked.

"Excuse me, who are you, and what are you doing cooking in my kitchen?" Abby asked from her mother's doorway.

"Hello," Alistair said as he turned toward her. "I'm Alistair Stevens, the future Mr. Katherine Rhodes, or is it Randolph?" He looked over at Katherine, who had started to blush. "Katherine hasn't eaten since five this morning, so I was attempting to make her something before she falls over."

Abby looked at Katherine disapprovingly.

"You get out of the way before you ruin that nice suit. I'll make it. At the rate you're going, she'll die of starvation before you even get the eggs in the pan." Abby pushed him out of the way. "Katherine, you go lie down. I'll bring you a tray when it's finished."

"What about Mom," she asked, looking toward the door.

"She's still sleeping, and it's time for Stan's television shows. He's agreed to take the next few hours." Abby waved her toward her room.

"Would you be offended if I accompanied Katherine to her room Ms...?"

"You can call me Abby, and no, I wouldn't, seeing as you're the future Mr. Katherine." Abby looked between the two of them.

"I haven't said yes. In fact, I've said no several times now." Katherine objected weakly.

"Almost nine years, Katherine. You've said no for almost nine years now, and it hurts every time." Alistair looked at her, and it finally broke Katherine as she started to sob.

Alistair gathered her up and followed Abby's directions as he carried her to her room.

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