Chapter 28

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"I can't believe you're actually getting published" Ruqayya said.

"We are so happy for you" Ya Jameela spoke, "Mukhtar and I will definitely be watching"

"Oh we are not missing this for anything!" Safeeya said excitedly.

"Thank you. Your support really means a lot" I smiled as I applied my makeup and my sisters' voices continued to ring through the phone as we continued talking idly. I along with the family was getting ready to go the event. Farhan had been busy since morning with Haneef trying to get the books ready. Apparently the family of the celebrant asked for a large number to be printed and had kept calling back increasing their demand based on their guest list. I knew the man was a huge figure in the society so these books would sell but I didn't think it'd be this much. God knows the number of copies Farhan is getting printed. I've noticed he's busier these days because of this work and I can't thank him enough. He has taken up this tedious work only for me. yesterday when he came in so late, I was up waiting for him and when I began thanking him and saying how this wasn't necessary at all; he flashed me a smile and said,

"You don't need to thank me. It's my duty towards you"

I had no reply for that. It was the first time in our relationship he openly expressed he was indeed my husband and I had rights on him. Well that's not exactly what he said but you get the picture.

"Assalamu Alaikum"

I watched him come into the room through the mirror. "Wa'alaikumus salam"

"I'm so sorry I must be the only one not ready" he spoke. I turned around to tell him it was okay but before I could reply saw him take off shirt. I looked away which must have been a really stupid thing because I was now facing the mirror again so it wasn't really any different.

"Oh yeah, your mom said she had been trying to get a hold of you but you were busy" he walked to me, "Here, call her"

I took the phone and before I could dial my mum my sisters now aware of his presence because of the speaker phone spoke, "Farhan, we haven't spoken in a while. I have more embarrassing childhood tales of Humaira" Ruqayya teased.

He laughed. "How are you Ruqayya?"

"Oh forget the pleasantries. Let's get down to business. She used to run around naked all...."

"Okay I think we've heard enough" I said trying to reach for my phone to end the call before she could divulge anything. In my hurry, I dropped Farhan's phone on the floor and only noticed when I had successfully terminated the call first.

"Oh I'm so sorry" I bent down to get it and our heads collided.

I rubbed my forehead due to the pain and he did the same.i scrunched up my face and only released it when I noticed he was laughing.

I now inspected the phone in my hands and noticed the shattered screen, "I'm so sorry" I apologized again.

Darn these fragile phones.

I'm blaming the phone for my own stupidity.

"I'm sorry"

He smiled and took the phone out of my hands and tossed it over on the bed. "This can be fixed later. Give me ten minutes and we'll get going"

I nodded, "I should go check on Imran" then bolted out of the room.

I refused to let myself think about what happened back in there so I began dialing my mum on my way down.

"This is so fancy" ma whispered loud enough for us to hear as we took our seats; "Why waste such money on a hundred year old man. He's leaving soon enough"

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