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It's been 5 months since Yoongi proposed Y/n

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It's been 5 months since Yoongi proposed Y/n. And finally after 5 months of planning and waiting, the day for which everyone were waiting for has arrived. The day when Yoongi and Y/n would become husband and wife. The day when both will finally become one.

It was the month of May and the couple opted for a Summer wedding since the weather in Switzerland was really good.

Three months before the wedding, Y/n gave many interviews in many architect farms in Zurich. She wanted to first settle her work. Through out her entire interviews, Yoongi has always been with her supporting her for which she was really glad.

And due to her hard work and talent, Y/n got the job in one of very well known architect farm.

Everything seemed to be settling down. Y/n and Yoongi were getting married. They could not wait to start the new chapter in their life together.

It was almost evening time when Y/n was ready to walk down the aisle with her father. Her mother was equally emotional as much as she was happy. Y/n being their only child have always been the apple to their eyes. For her, her parents were not only parents for her but friends with whom she could share anything.

Yes she will be starting a new chapter of her life but that doesn't mean that her responsibilities towards her parents ends. She will always be their daughter and will always be her priorities along with the addition of new people in her life.

The venue looked beautiful with nature and lights. The guests were seated and were waiting for the bride to arrive. In the front row sat Yoongi's parents, Y/n's parents, the Kim couple and Taehyung along with his best friends Jungkook and Jimin. Hoseok sat with Namjoon and Jin waiting excitedly for the wedding to start since he was really happy for his friend.

 Hoseok sat with Namjoon and Jin waiting excitedly for the wedding to start since he was really happy for his friend

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Finally Y/n walked down the aisle along with her father. She wore a pretty white gown which went perfectly with her skin tone and body shape. While Y/n looked mesmerizing and beautiful, Yoongi himself looked super handsome with his good looking physique and handsome face. He chose a black suit as his wedding dress along with a small floral broach. He highlighted few strands of his hair into ash grey temporarily just for the wedding which indeed made him look more amazing.

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