Chapter 2

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After sending Remy to school the next morning amidst her own jumbled and worried thoughts about whether she should even go to her job today or not, she finally made the decision to just go. No matter what happens, atleast she could say she tried, so she quickly changed and put her hair in a bun at the top of her head putting her usual black cap on top before walking to the bakery. If there was even a slim chance of salvaging her job, she had to do this. For Remy, she had to do this, even if she had to beg, no matter how much the thought repulsed her.

She made her way inside and stopped short not expecting all the rushing about, everyone was moving around like crazy with random confectionaries in their hands. All of them gave her smiles as she walked by and some gave nods of gratitude and she knew it was for the food she had stuffed in their bags. She knew not everyone got paid properly here and most of them were struggling, that's why she had put the food in their bags and also because she learned at a young age how valuable food was.

Her eyes then caught her boss ordering everyone about and she winced when she saw the plaster across his nose. She was dead, she was so very dead, she might as well turn back right now. Before she could though, his eyes caught hers and he immediately made his way towards her.

"You'd best be grateful I need all hands on deck today otherwise you'd be out of here before you could even say sorry. Oh right, I forgot, you can't," He spat maliciously at her as she looked away from him, taking a breath to control her anger, it wasn't going to get her anywhere right now. 

"Sir that..." Adam tried to step in affronted on her behalf, that was a low blow even for him.

"Silence! Now, do as I've told you to do because if this place is anything less than spotless, then you will be fired alongside her," He said to him with a glare plastered on his face. Adam sighed looking at her apologetically before squeezing her shoulder as he walked by. Amelia smiled at him thankfully before turning back to Anthony waiting for his next order. "The display cabinet is not set to par, you will start with that, then you will..." and there he went on and on giving her order after order.

When he finally left her with a malicious list of chores that would last way after closing time as per usual, her mind was left full of questions she couldn't ask because in her confusion of whether to come today or not, she had forgotten to get another notebook and pen and the other one was thrown somewhere here. As she worked, her mind kept wandering in her worry.

Was this her last day? Was she going to be paid her last three months of salary that he hadn't paid her yet? Would it be enough to pay this month's rent alongside the small amount of savings she managed to make? Would that leave a little money for some food for them, or at least some for Remy? What about his school fees? She's managed to pay it till next month but what about the month after that? What about...She was jolted out of her thoughts by the sound of the door opening, their first customer had arrived and she immediately went to the kitchen. It was her job to bake as well, but for the extra money, she helped out in any other way she could in here.

"What did Anthony mean by what he said? Why would he want to fire you?" Adam came up to her concerned as she was baking. 

'Don't worry yourself. It's nothing. You should go and do your job before he flips out again,' she signed with batter covered hands. 

He sighed at that before he said, "Just know that you can come to me whenever you need to ok Lia?"

Amelia smiled at him giving him a nod and he smiled back kissing her forehead before he walked off. She sighed as he left, feeling more morose now at the thought of losing her job, yes, she was admittedly relieved about getting away from Anthony but alongside the financial problems she had, she also would leave everyone else behind as well which was sad. She had a great relationship with everyone here and despite Anthony being a pain in their asses, they had some great times together and now she was going to leave them, it was obvious from Anthony's words after all.

It was just an hour or two later when Lacey came inside the kitchen and said, "Lia my child just got sick and Liam is in an important meeting which he was about to cancel but I told him not to because it would be a huge benefit for his business so I have to pick him up from school and no one else can fill in so could you take over for me please?"

Amelia nodded at her with a reassuring smile seeing her worry deflate as a thankful smile spread on her face before she quickly gave her a hug and ran outside with her bag. It was then that Amelia realized that Lacey's job was a waitress and that includes communicating with customers. She'd done the job before but without her notebook, how the hell was she going to do it now? She could just use the notebook that they were provided to write what the customer would like to ask the questions so she hurriedly took off her ruined apron and put on the waitress's one before making her way outside the kitchen and grabbing the notebook that waitresses use.

"Where on earth are you going?" Her boss asked her.

Lacey had a family issue that she had to go to so she asked me to fill in Amelia wrote on the paper before showing it to him.

"Which table?" He asked and she wrote it down showing it to him in confusion.

"Absolutely not. You are not serving them, you're going to ruin everything." He said glaring at her.

Lacey said there's no one else to fill in Amelia showed the note to him her brows furrowed in confusion. Ruin what?

"I don't care, someone else can swap with you. Like hell I'd let you ruin this for me," He said before calling over Adam instructing him to go over to the table at the far end in one of the private booths where Amelia could see two rather dashing men and a gorgeous woman. She was beyond confused but just shrugged as both her and Adam and swapped orders as she took the two drinks from him and walked over to where Adam's order came from only to realize that it was literally right next to the people who Adam was tending to. She paused for a moment though when she recognized the woman at the booth. She was a regular and one of the main reasons her boss hated her guts. 

For some reason the woman had had it out for her since they first met when she'd been assigned as her waitress. Nothing was good enough for the woman and her dramatics had nearly cost her her job. Anthony had been beyond pissed at her. Great, she groaned inside her head, just great. She took a breath to calm herself and carried on walking not looking at the woman in the eye as she set a drink down before the guy, a different one from last time as per usual, but when she'd been just moments away from placing the other glass on the table, she felt her leg get kicked out from under her immediately sending the glass flying out of her hand and her to the floor.

"What the f£$%!" She heard a man shout and she looked up from where she had fallen to the floor into stormy grey-blue eyes staring down at her furiously.

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