14: A Threat

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Chief Bae's POV

We made it to the penthouse that Park Suho's men are suppose to be at, they weren't here though, we did discover that one of the computers in one of the rooms was still warm, they left recently

My men left and I was going to follow after until I got a phone call from an unfamiliar number

I waved for them to continue to go, I'll catch up later

I picked it up and put my hand on my hip while looking out the window "Hello?" "Is this Chief Bae Hyunseo, the man who's been after me?" A voice said over the phone "Who is this?" I asked is suspicion, I'm an officer, Im after a lot of people

"I'm offended really but I guess you've never heard my voice...this is Park Suho"

My eyes widened, I immediately opened my laptop and he scoffed "I wouldn't bother trying to trace the call, it's a phone attached to three other phones, you'll have to guess which one I am before I hang up, that'll be hard won't it" He said and I slammed my laptop shut

"What do you want?" I asked angrily "For you to stop getting on my tail, stop getting in my business, I'll give it to you, you've gotten close"

"What makes you think I'll just stop, you said it yourself, Im getting close" "Because you've been hiding everything about your child from me, the gender, their face, their name...but, I know all of that now"

I felt my heart drop, how did he find out

"What? Your lying" "Female, early twenties, name, Bae Soohee?" He said and I went silent before he let out a chuckle "I have someone who you know and they were a big help on getting me that information" He said

I thought about it for a second and that's when it clicked, Jihoon, the boy who's been coming around lately...his name wasn't Jihoon...

"Park Sunghoon..." I said and he made a surprised noise "You figured it out, my son yes, he was a great piece into getting me closer to you and your daughter, now..." He said and it went silent

I heard the sound of a gun being loaded "...get off my back or I will get to your daughter, no matter what you do, I will have her" He said and then hung up

I felt my eyes tear up a bit, I threw the phone on the ground and brushed my hands through my hair


He better not touch her


Soohee's POV

I walked out from one of my classes with a big sigh, thank god it's over, I'm so tired of sitting for so long listening to the professor ramble on about the lesson

I was on my way to the library to study with classmates for an upcoming test when I saw something in the corner of my eye

I turned my head and looked out the window and saw a man with his arms crossed while leaning against a black car, he was dressed in a black suit like a body guard

He wore sunglasses and his face was emotionless, I stared at him for a while to see what he wanted, he turned and went to open the car door, I furrowed my eyes in confusion and decided to walk over

I walked towards him and he drove off, I stopped, thinking maybe he wasn't here for me which would have been embarrassing but he kept looking at me so it had to have been that

I heard the car coming back, this time right at me, I backed up in fear he would hit me but he stopped the car just before reaching me

The passenger door opened and he rolled down his window, I walked over and bent down to look and listen to him

"Get in, we need to talk" He said and I furrowed my eyebrows again "How do I know your aren't going to kill me" I said and he used his finger to move his glasses down, tilting his head down and towards me to look into my eyes

"Cause we'll put a bullet through your fathers chest if you don't" He said shocking me "You're just trying to scare me" "Chief Bae Hyunseo was it?" He said and then smirked at my scared expression "Get in princess" He said and then pushed his glasses back up and faced forward

I took a deep breath and walked over to the passenger side, I got in and closed the door behind me, it was silent, it smelled like cigarettes and alcohol

I put my seatbelt on as a puff of smoke came in between us, I looked back and saw an older man sitting in the back

The car began to drive off "Park Suho" I said and he smiled "I guess you are a lot like your father, you found my name, good job" He said and I just gave looked forward to see where we were as well as where we were going

"What do you want from me? Where are we going?" "I'm just taking you home don't worry, I thought I'd have a chat with you on the way"

"What do you want?" I said snippy on purpose "No need to have an attitude"

We turned the corner which led into my neighborhood

"I want to talk to you about Sunghoon, I know a lot more about you guys then you think" "What about him?"

"I would like it if you would leave him alone, he's got a life for him to focus on and you are making it risky, not just for him but for you too" That only made me think more about what I saw in my dads office, is Sunghoon really an assassin for his father?

"How would that be risky for me? Does he live in constant danger?" I asked and Mr. Park just smirked and took a puff from his cigar

"You know ajussi, I know a little more then you think as well" "Like what?" "Doesn't his job have something to do with being an assassin for you?..." He sat back in his seat with a confused look "...is that why it would be dangerous for someone like me?"

He sat up fast and got close to my face as I felt something cold press against my side

I could tell it was a gun from the shape of it "It's not your place to know something like that which tells me that you went snooping again in your fathers stuff, so when you go home you will say nothing or else I will kill you myself, also your father isn't much of a mystery to me, don't for a second think I won't go for him too"

The car stopped down the street from my house to wear I could see it in front of me, I looked at it while feeling the gun in my waist and hearing his breath next to my ear

"Now get out before we have a bigger problem, I told you what would he accepted, so be a good girl and do it, do not contact my son again"

I opened the door and pushed his gun away from me, I slammed the door shut and walked down the side walk, I could see the car lights still shining on my back

He said I wasn't gonna like our next meeting, he was right

I went up to my door and looked back at them before walking in and seeing them drive away through the window

I sighed and put my bag down and took off my shoes, as I turned to go to the living room I was stopped by a figure standing in front of me

I couldn't see them since I didn't turn on the lights yet and it was dark

I threw a punch and quickly went for the light, turning it on, I looked back and Sunghoon was holding his cheek while moving his jaw


Sorry for any grammar errors

𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐉𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐭 | 박성훈Where stories live. Discover now