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Jin opened the door, greeted by the dark living room. As he placed his bag on the couch silently, the door to his room opened and Yoongi walked out.

"She is asleep" he whispered.

Jin swallowed a lump that was threatening to form in his throat and nodded "Thanks Yoongi"

Yoongi nodded and pointed at Jin's hand that held a cover "You bought food?"

Jin looked at the cover in his hand as Yoongi moved forward and took it.

"I didn't buy it" Jin said "It was delivered to me. I didn't order anything but it was my name on it."

Yoongi stopped "So someone at the office?"

Jin shrugged "I thought it was Jimin because he knew I was pissed about staying back but Jimin said he didn't order it. Must be someone else"

Yoongi took it out to see what it was "It's fried rice."

"You can have it" Jin said going to pour himself a glass of water "I am not really hungry"

"Do you have any enemies in your workplace" Yoongi asked emptying the contents into a bowl.

Jin frowned "Why?"

"What if this is poisoned or something?" Yoongi asked sticking the bowl into the microwave to heat it up.

"The only enemy I have is my boss" Jin muttered angrily "But I don't think he would have to go to the lengths of poisoning me to get back at me"

"You would though" Yoongi said.

Jin chuckled and shook his head.

The microwave beeped.

"Eat some" Yoongi said "There is two portions in here. Don't go to sleep hungry"


After washing up the plates and bidding Yoongi a good night, Jin retired to his room.

Changing his clothes as silently as possible, he slipped into the bed quietly.

But he had been blessed with a daughter who was a light sleeper.

Aera turned around as soon as the bed dipped, eyes bleary with sleep.

"Appa?" She mumbled.

Jin smiled and hummed "It's me. I am sorry that I am late. Did you have fun with Uncle Yoongi?"

She nodded sleepily "A lot"

Jin nodded and patted her head "Sleep now"

She snuggled up to him and was out in a second. Her breathing soft.

Jin sighed. He wondered how he would ever repay Yoongi for everything he had done and has been doing.

Yoongi was trying out to be a music producer. Applying to companies. But it was still a work in progress. He still had a lot to do and until then, he still had bills to pay.

So he worked part time at a cafe. The rest of the time he worked in his room slash studio, producing beats and songs.

His cafe work timings worked perfectly with Aera's school timings. Jin would drop her off at school in the morning. Jin, Jimin and Yoongi would enjoy a quiet lunch break in the same cafe where Yoongi worked.

Them Jimin and Jin would go back to the office, while Yoongi clocked out and went to pick up Aera.

The rest of the evening, he would look after her. He would work in his room while Aera would be there, doing her homework or finishing pages of her colouring book.

Sometimes they played videogames, they went out.

All in all, Jin was extremely grateful for Yoongi in his life. He was exactly what he needed six years back, with the position he was in.


Jin placed the coffee cup on Taehyung's desk, taking note that the papers he had placed on the very desk last night were still in their place.

"I have emailed you today's schedule" Jin started, the words already prepared.

"The Euphoria villas project meeting is today" Jin recounted "Soobin is ready with the PowerPoint and I went through the papers for you"

Jin made sure he put extra emphasis oh the words and I and You.

Taehyung probably noticed, because he looked up from his computer and stared at him.

"What about the meeting with the BlueMoon investors? Wasn't it supposed to be today?" Taehyung asked.

Jin shifted on his feet "They have rescheduled again. It's in two days time."

Taehyung scoffed "Rescheduled my ass. They think my firm is a joke. That old bastard Park Hyunbin thinks young people aren't fit to run things"

Jin poked at the inside of his cheek "Then why do we have to work with them-"

"To prove him wrong" Taehyung said simply.

Jin remained quiet waiting to be dismissed.

Taehyung looked up at him again.

Jin waited to hear another 'get out'. Or maybe something more rude this time. Though what Taehyung should do was apologise.

"You can leave"

Jin held his head a little straight, turned around and left.

It wasn't rude atleast.


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