An All Out Battle

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Butterfly!404: HRAGGGGGHH!!!


Butterfly 404's powerful energy soars around the void of Alphatale as everyone could feel his energy. Everyone was still shocked by what happened to Loading and what's happening to Butterfly!404.

(Before anyone ask why i put kamen rider theme for this, Its because its for Butterfly 404 when he goes berserk as his power goes to power to destroyer.)

Music Starts

Virus!404: What is this power....?

Butterfly!404 was out of control of his butterfly form as his power was rising once more.

Butterfly!404: INFECTED!!!

Butterfly!404 rushed towards them and lands a devastating hit against Infected but he manage to use his axe for protection at the last moment, Knocking him several feet away. Infected regains his balance and shoots wisps at Butterfly!404, But he immediately behind him kicking him in the face.

Infected: Gahhh!

Alpha Corruption: He's so fast... I can't even see him.

Infinity!Code: The power of the mainframe. Error!404 can't control his form.

Alpha Corruption: What?

Virus!404: Is there anyway to kill him?

Infinity!Code: It depends. We were only able to do it by luck. As of right now, It's best if you both dont get closer to him.

Butterfly!404: Infected!!!

Butterfly!404 immediately rushes towards him a powerful Gaster Blaster as he combos it up with a kick sending him up in the air. Infected shoots more wisps at Butterfly!404, But he disappears behind Infected and grabs his legs as he spins him around like a ragdoll, Slamming him into the ground.

Infected: Gahhhh!

Butterfly!404: HEHEHE!!! HAHAHAHA!!!

Virus!404 (Mind): Damn! if he keeps attacking Infected he will go beserk too.

As Virus!404 then turns around to the others.

Virus!404: We gotta do something if Butterfly!404 keeps attacking Infected he might go to his Black Being state.

Alpha Corruption: So what's the plan boss?

Infinity!Code: Hmm..... Butterfly!404 is only angry to Infected when he destroyed his home and brother so i say we attack him while he's distracted.

As both nod they all charged at him as Butterfly!404 notice them.

As Butterfly!404 uses his strings to try and catch one of them.

As Butterfly!404 uses his strings to try and catch one of them

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