Chapter 1

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Some think me a monster and others, like myself, think I am a hero. I believe that every man has two sides. The darkness that every man has, such as anger, hatred, greed, and other aspects of the darkest villains; and then there is the side of light or goodness, for example hope, faith, and the aspects of heroes. I should introduce myself... My name is Zachary Zanar and I am considered a monster by most of the public. I see myself as a victim of a curse put on my family by an accident that happened in a lab many many years ago...
My life has had a lot of test and trials to my reputation in the public. I do not understand why the world always thinks that I am the same as my father. My father was an uncontrolled monster because of a cure he tested on himself which made him the monster, Zarmon, permanently. However I should explain my father and Zarmon's connection first. It begins a long time ago, back when earth was habitable. On earth, my father was a Russian scientist, he had started studying in the field of medicine, how was made and how it is used. My father believed that he made a cure for cancer. He started with computer trials and then went on to human trials. On every test subject it attacked and cured the cancer however it also killed the human who had the cancer. He looked at his reasearch and tried again, and the same result occurred. My father tried everything to preserve his work, the attempts resulting in failure. My father sadly lost his job because of an accident he had made, in this vulnerable stage he took his so call "cure" and inserted it into a new type of android. He was going to create a new cure and use it in the androids and attack the cancer afflicted cells. The Zarmon serum, named after the death cry of the people before there was nothing but ashes that remained, transformed the robot into a new type of android designed to take and absorb damage. This is the perfect android to test things such as explosives bullets and other military weaponry. Now my father was back in business, he studied his new creation in order to be able to see how the machine and Zarmon serum had molded together equally. He soon found the the android had an ion power core which stabilized the Zarmon DNA or serum. And this soon lead to his demise. Years later he realized that the could on stabilize the Zarmon serum for approximately 2-3 months which would require that the androids receive a constant supply of Zarmon serum. After this discovery he made sure that they had a least one year supply of Zarmon serum where ever his androids were. In the Russian Cosmic Labs, they had quite a few androids and they also had talked about making a type steel or metal that is as invulnerable and adaptive as the androids were. However as father said in his journals that it was highly improbable to be completely
Well when everything is looking up or good for my father, it turned rotten and bad. He was hired to work at the major Russian Cosmic lab.Seeing if it is possible to create a new type of steel that is adaptive and can handle cosmic radiation. He tried many times to create this "adaptive medal," but failed every time. When he was a lab assistant and he was going to grab a cancer cure vial for his boss and when he did, a wall filled with Zarmon serum vials fell on him,molded with his cell membranes this started him to mutate. He was found by his British friend, Ian Silver, "Silverhands" his military code name. In order to save his friend he put his best friend, Ian in a EMP particle stabilizer that my dad designed for the stabilization of the androids particles. What Silverhands hoped is that the particle stabilizer would help my dad and keep him stable. Silverhands' prediction and hopes came true. My father stabilized, as Silverhands return to battle.  When my father woke, he ran out to help Silverhands, but he was too late. Silverhands was killed with his own sword by his brother, Crossfire. This showed that these stabilizing particles used in humans cause the human to become more aggressive. This increased anger is shown by a density and body mass increase, allowing the  anger to become a biological weapon. My father wrote in another journal that when his anger consumed him, he had "lost all control and I had became an unstoppable monster." Also in this journal he says that he beat Crossfire. The death match began when Zarmon was released after the death of Silverhands. Zarmon charged at Crossfire and broke the wall behind him by using him as a battering ram. The steel wall ripped apart as the cosmically powered superhuman was beat though the wall. They fell for miles down a hill, and then they stood to their feet. Zarmon and Crossfire the stood face to face, strengths and muscles ready. Crossfire try to intimidate Zarmon by scoffing at him by saying "You think you can stop the powerful Crossfire, the immortal, unlimited, the Alpha and Omega, ha! You’re  a mere insect compared to my superiority, for I am a god, prepare yourself, for your doom!"Zarmon, as my father wrote, then responded by saying "Zarmon is no insect and you are no god, and you are not immortal. Zarmon will make you bleed!"The fighting began when Crossfire attempted to punch him in the face, but this failed as Zarmon caught his fist and headbutt him. After Zarmon's headbutt he began rapidly hitting him backward towards a small village in southern eastern Russia. The inhabitants fled and the village soon showed what the Zarmon is capable of doing. The fight caused that village to be leveled because the village provide object to prolong the fight. Crossfire used a steel beam as a bat and beat Zarmon till he fell over and took out another house. Zarmon then grabbed a side of the house of which he crushed falling over, along with grabbing a steel beam that had a corner that was broken into an axe shape. He began to use the side of the broken house as a shield and the steel beam, his axe. This axe was used to weaken Crossfire, Crossfire was bleeding and he soon saw that, he shook with fear "How could a mere brute, cut through my skin and cause me to bleed! This is impossible! What sane monster are you?!" "I am the Zarmon!"he said before dealing the final blow with the house "shield" and the stabbed the steel beam "axe" into his heart with no resistance. Crossfire was dead. I am sorry to leave on such a downer but i need to go to school at Niverian Central High School. As my father wrote "Knowledge is power."Until next time...

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