First Day

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It was a warm spring day in the town of Bennington, VT. Polyana Quinten was a new substitute teacher at the high school in town. This was her first day and she was nervous already. She was going to be dealing with a new 8th grade class. It was 7:00 in the morning; class would be starting In 45 minutes. She made her way to the 8th grade classroom. Her black boots with heels clicked across the floor as she made her way to the classroom. She tugged her black skirt down a little and straightened her white blouse. The original 8th grade teacher left a list of what the class was supposed to do. Polyana sat down in the teacher's chair behind the desk. She let out a big sigh as she looked at the clock. 3 more minutes she thought to herself.

The clock struck 7:45 am and the students started filing into the room. They all took their seats and Polyana counted them to make sure everyone was there but she only counted 14 there was supposed to be 15 students in the room, "Has anyone seen..." she looks down at her list, "Diana Calli?" she asked the class. One boy raised his hand quietly his name was Damian Monroe. "Yes, Damian? Do you know where she is?" she looked at him softly.

 Damian nodded softly and answered softly, "I do, and she is always skipping class to go hang out with her boyfriend, Alexander Harrison." He bit his lip as he spoke, "The other teacher seems to let it go." He shrunk back down in his seat when everyone's eyes were on him. He was a shy and quiet boy.

Polyana sighed and called the office. She talked to the lady at the front desk about Diana and why she wasn't in class when she was supposed to be. She talked on the phone for a few minutes before the lady at the desk told her to call Diana's parents and tell them what was going on. Polyana hung up and did so. Diana's parents were not happy to hear that their daughter was skipping class to be with her boyfriend. After a while Polyana decided to just keep teaching until Diana made an appearance in the class if she did at all. Everything was going well until Diana stormed into the room and marched her way up to Polyana with an angry expression on her face.

 Polyana started to feel uncomfortable at all the yelling that was going on put she knew she couldn't let herself show weakness to a girl because then it could give Diana the idea that she  could control her, "You are not allowed to miss anymore classes. Next time you are late to class you will get detention and a write up." She felt somewhat guilty for being so harsh on her but she knew it was necessary to do so. Therefore she stood up straighter and looked like she was in charge of her which she was but she didn't always look it.

 This made Diana even angrier, so angry that she knocked off every single thing on Polyana's desk before taking her seat in the desk next to Damian. She then pulled out her phone and started texting. When Polyana saw she immediately walked up to Diana's desk and held out her hand, "Give me the phone." She said sternly. 

Diana let out a laugh as if saying; are you kidding? Diana held onto her phone and just continued to text so Diana grabbed it out of her hand and put it in the teacher's desk drawer and locking it. She place the key to the draw on a necklace chain and she put on the necklace.

By the time lunch rolled around Diana was fuming and while the rest of the class including Diana headed to lunch Damian stayed, "Miss Quinten?" Damian asked softly, "Are you alright?" he asked sweetly he knew how to handle Diana a little better than Polyana did. 

 Polyana nodded with a soft sigh, "I just don't understand why she is so much trouble. I don't really know how to handle it in this situation." She looked at Damian softly.

 He smiled and spoke softly, "I have some ideas. They are good advice I guarantee it." He grinned cheekily. 

Polyana nodded and smiled, "Do tell." She sat down in her chair as she listened to him. Damian always spoke softly so Polyana leaned forward so she could hear him better.

Damian smiled and said, "Well the other teacher just puts up with it and she doesn't do anything. You need to be stricter with Diana. She needs to know that it is not okay for her to be like she is in class."

Polyana listened to all the advice that Damian had to say and then the bell rang and class was starting again. Diana sat down in her seat with a prissy look on her face. Polyana started to teach and each time she caught Diana doing something she wasn't supposed to do she reprimanded her which of course Diana did not like one bit so when she stood up and screamed as she flipped a desk Polyana took her out in the hall. She had had enough of Diana's nonsense so she told her to wait there as she called someone to watch the class as Polyana took Diana down to the principal's office where they called Diana's parents and explained everything.

At the end Diana was suspending for a week, for being disrespectful and for skipping class so much each day just to see her boyfriend. After Diana left Polyana's day went smoothly with the 8th grade class. Damian spoke up more than usual and he definitely spoke more confidently.

The rest of the times that Polyana substituted the 8th grade, everything was fine and by the end of the year it was declared that she would be the new 8th grade teacher considering the original teacher of the 8th grade was retiring at the end of the year.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2015 ⏰

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