Part 20

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As Sophie was locked in her dorm. Amelia was just outside waiting for her sister to come out.

"Sophie... You alright in there?" Amelia asked all worried.

"Yeah, Amelia I'm okay. I just wanna be alone for a while. if that's fine." Sophie said not wanting her sister to be  worried for her.

"I could stay if you want." Amelia asked.

"No, it's fine you could go.I'll be okay!" Sophie said.

As Amelia stood up Anadil came with a letter.  

"Sophie, Um... Agatha asked me to give you this. I... I hope you feel better soon." Anadil said.

It was quiet after a while.

"Come on, let's go. She's not in the mood.I'll stop by later Sophie." Amelia said.

They both walked away from their dorm.

"Hope she'll be fine." Anadil said while Amelia nodded to her statement.

They both headed where the lobby is at.Hort was there waiting for  Amelia. Smiling when she saw her.

Hort ran up to her and gave her a big hug.

"I was worried about you.How is she doing?" Hort asked.

"I don't know! She says that she's fine but I don't believe it one bit." Amelia said frowning.

"Well, I do believe she is fine. Come on, don't want my date to the first ever 'Nevers ball' being worried." Hort said making Amelia smile.

"Really? I thought you were joking about that." Amelia said 

"No, I wasn't joking. Even though I am not the smartest I do make up my mind on things." Hort said making Amelia laugh.

"There it is that beautiful laugh. Go on! Go get ready!" Hort said.

Amelia gave him a kiss and headed back to her dorm. Once she opened it she didn't see Sophie there.

"Hm... She must've been sneaked out." Amelia thought to herself.

"Well... I guess Amelia thought the same thing about getting ready." Hester said as she was getting out of the closet.

"Well, Of course gotta be looking good for my date. Come on let's get ready." Amelia said.

The girls had fun.Laughing while they were getting ready.

"Can't wait it is the first ever 'Nevers ball'." Dot said.

After a couple of hours passed. They finished getting ready and decided to go downstairs.

"Wow.... You look beautiful." Hort said.

"Thanks you don't look so bad yourself." Amelia said chuckling and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Wanna dance?" Hort said.

"I would love to." Amelia said.

After dancing for a while Amelia saw Sophie, but in a different form.Sophie was a old witch.

"Sophie?" Amelia said

"Oh... my beloved dear sister. I missed you so. I wanted to say thank you for believeing me and I just came here to ask you for a favor."Sophie asked.

"Yeah sis. I'll do anything!" Amelia said.

"Get ready! I have a plan for evil to finally be good." Sophie said making Amelia smile.

It wasn't just a happy smile, it was an evil smile that Amelia had.

"Well, tell me what it is?" She said.

After Sophie explained her plan to Amelia she headed off and Amelia tells everyone the Plan.

"SHUT IT" Amelia screamed.

The music turns off and everyone stares at her.

"Okay. So this is how it's gonna go. Who wants Evil to finally rule?" She asked.

Everyone cheered...

"Okay listen up. Sophie is going to lead those lousy 'Evers' over here and we must battle them." Amelia said making the whole room go wild with cheers and screams.

"So when the time is right be ready and wait for the signal which Sophie will give to you, so let's have some fun."

Amelia smiled wondering how this event will head out...

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