A/n another update for my lovelies cause this story is depressing me.
Rejected. As always. I decide to leave a message this time, "Hey Andy, I know it probably doesn't matter, but it would have back when you cared. I miss you. I love you Andy. I can't live without you. You're breaking me.. I can't" With that I hang it up. And my ring tone for Andy goes off. I gasp, and hit answer. "OHMYGOSHI'MSOFUCKENSORRYIWASSTUPIDPLEASEFORGIVEMEI'MSOSORRY!!" Andy yells when I answer the phone. I immediately start crying. "It's okay Andy, it's alright. Why did you make me leave? What did I do??" he pauses. "Ash.. I'm.. Pregnantandthebabyjustmightbeyoursactuallyitis." I gasp. "Andy.. I-I don't know what to say.. I-" "I know. I'm sorry for not telling you.." "Andy.. Will you.. Be my.. Boyfriend?" I ask. I hear the glee in his voice as he yells, "YES!"