the passenger

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Dave was driving home one still dark night. He was heading home as he had finished his shift at work. He drives through the darkness his headlights blaring onto the road. He turned a corner and his lights flashed onto a girl walking across the road. "Fuck!" Dave hit the break stopping with a loud screech. The girl stood there terrified. Dave stepped out of the car. "Hello? Are you alright??" He said in a mellow tone. "Y-yes I think so.." she replied. " What are you doing put at this hour" he asked with curiousity. "I was just on my way home.." she spoke softly. "Would you like me to drive you?'s not safe to walk home at night". She smiled a bit and nodes. "Alright hop in" he smiles back l.

Dave jumped back into the driver's seat and she hoped in after. She put on her seat belt. "Where we heading then?" He asked.
"68 Norman street". Dave started to drive to the location. "So, what's your name? I'm Dave". The girl glanced at Dave. "Chrissy" she smiled. Dave smiled back. They arrive in front of a old looking house. Chrissy steps out. "Thank you" she waved before heading into the house. "No problem!" Dave called before driving off to his home. When he got there he was about to step out when he saw her jumper. "Oh, must have left it..I'll return it to her tomorrow" he stepped out of the car and went inside.

The next day Dave jumped into his car and drive back to the old house. He grabbed the jumper and stepped out of the car and walked down the old white path. He got to the door and knocked. A old lady answered the door. "Hello, can I help you?" She looked at him. "Yes, is your daughter here? She left her jumper in my car when I dropped her off" the lady looked at him confused. "My daughter?.." Yes, her name is Chrissy. She's your daughter right?"
The lady's eyes widened. "Darling...Chrissy  is my daughter but.. she died in a car crash three years ago.." Dave stood there speechless "w-what?.."


[Hope you enjoyed this short horror story if not the oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ]

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2022 ⏰

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