Shit I can't fall for Her

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(time skip to three weeks)
Adriana's pov:
it's september 3 2022 and it's been a few weeks since I asked Finn to be my friend again and we have hanged out a lot, but Robin still doesn't trust me he thinks it's a type of bet and Gwen is in between she is not sure if she can trust me or not. Vance also thinks i'm just pranking Finn and Gabs know that I think his cute and I have a small crush on him so she knows i'm telling the truth.

Finn is having a game and he asked if I could came and so I said yes and I got up and brushed my hair, teeth, did my makeup,and changed
the makeup

Finn is having a game and he asked if I could came and so I said yes and I got up and brushed my hair, teeth, did my makeup,and changed the makeup

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the outfit

(yes I did use her actual outfit for season 2 I think it's cute) And went down the stairs and vance was there

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(yes I did use her actual outfit for season 2 I think it's cute) And went down the stairs and vance was there. "so did you and one of your friends make a bet about Finney?". "no why" "it's because I don't believe that you wanted to be friends with him" "well you better believe it, me and Finn are friend and i'm going to his game" "mmmm yeah what ever you need to tell your self, well bye" "bye vance" and with that I was off going to his game

Finneys pov:
'shit what if she doesn't come, what if she doesn't actually like , what if this is all a bet her and vance did?' I thought to myself "hey Finn let's practice" a boy on my team said "ok coming let me get my glove" "ok" he said

While me and the boy were throwing the ball back to each other,I saw her with her beautiful red hair. 'she looks so pretty with her fire red hair,her blue eyes. wait is that the sweater I gave her last wee-' week what was I was thinking before getting cut off of my thoughts by a baseball that hit my cheek. "oww fuck" I yelled and the boys came up to me "oh shit i'm so sorry Finn" "it's ok I think I just need too take a break" "ok" the boys said as I walked to the bench.

When I got to the bench Adriana came up to me and ask "hey are you ok that looked like it hurt?, do you want an ice pack?" "yeah i'm ok and yess please" I said as I blushed 'Shit I can't fall for Her.' I thought "ok be right back" she said as she ran to the snack shack, she came back and gave me an ice pack "thanks" "your welcome" "you can come in" "oh yeah ok"she said as she walked in the dugout "so I see you like the sweater I gave you huh?" "yeah it's a nice color and it's comfortable" "you can keep it." "really?" "yeah" "thanks" she said as she kissed my cheek I could tell I was blushing and she was too " well I should go back to Gabs but good luck see you" "thanks and see you" I said as she waved to me and I waved back.

(by the way it dug out means the place where the kids on the team sit in) Looks like this :

(by the way it dug out means the place where the kids on the team sit in)  Looks like this :

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(sometimes it doesn't look as fancy as this and doesn't have a roof for some parks)

Adrianas pov:
you walked back to Gabby after you kissed Finn on the cheek and you could tell you were flustered but he was too "ohh I saw what happened so are you and Finney a thing yet?" she questioned "no we just became friends again two weeks ago" "yeah ok and isn't that his sweater your wearing ?" "well yeah but that doesn't mean we're dating" "well in my book it does" " yeah ok the game is about to start let's watch it" "ok"

The game was almost finished it was 13-13 and it was the last inning Finney was hitting and it was two strikes and three balls. The Pitcher pitched a ball to Finn ,it was a strike and he hit it and.....

it was a home run!
Everyone cheered him as he ran fast while he pasted all the bases and he looked at you and he had a big smile a his face and you did too.

after everybody high fived each other and they gave them snacks you walked up to Finney and you hugged him "you did a great job" "thanks he said as he blushed "well I got to get home now so" "ohh let me walk you home" he asked "ok sure let go" "ok" you guys walked to your house and started talking about random things then you got to the door "bye Finn" "bye adrian" "what type of nickname is that?" "a good one" "haha very funny" "bye" he said as he started to walk away

"Finney wait!" "yeah what is it?" "umm this" you said as you walked up to him, grab his cheek and kissed him on the lips you pulled away. "sor-" you tried to say but you got cut off by Finney kissing you back "umm so I'll see you at school tomorrow right" "yeah tomorrow bye" "bye" you said both of you flustered.

You walked inside and saw vance "so are you and Finney a thing?" " No, god why does everybody keep asking me that?" "hmm I don't know maybe because you two kissed" "umm no that wasn't us that was probably your imagination anyways I'm going to sleep bye" you said as you ran up the stairs to your room

you got changed into a comfortable pajama, and you decided to call Gabby for a little and talk .you guys we're talking and you looked at the time it was 10:36,and so you decided to end the call "oh sorry gabs I have to go to sleep good night love you" "good night love you too" you guys said before you hung up and went to bed.

(I hope you like this chapter it's pretty long I guess it's longer than the other chapter I did and I made another chapter where I asked you guys if I should add the grabber or not so go replied to that video and good night even though it's only like 7:44 Pm but I'm probably gonna go to sleep at like twelve or one or two but anways love y'all😘)
1,081 words

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