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AB was sitting watching Frozen with his darling daughter when he heard his wife welcome someone in so very warm tone

He paused the movie and walked down with the Lil one.

Dev, siraj, suyash, zampa, rajat, faf, dale, Maxwell, Finch, Chris Morris and Chris Gayle, nav, baaz, washy seated in the living room.

Ab- what a surprise? What's up boys

Dev- So sorry AB sir, we dropped in without informing

Faf- ah, no worries kiddo.

AB- he was talking to me you know, and atleast the kids have etiquettes you know

Faf- hey what does that mean! This is my half house

Dale- oh God! Can you stop acting like kids.

Faf/AB- okay! Sorry

Morris- and kids make your self at home.

AB- absolutely, no worries and good you guys came . I was missing my RCB fam.
He looks outside, yes ok if RCB fam is here then it's missing the most important member!?!

Suyash- but AB sir, why did you call for this urgent meeting?

AB- I didn't call for any meeting kiddo? What you talking about?

Faf- I called for a meeting kids, but first settle down. We'll have a chat. AB go get something to eat? Where are your manners

Dale- nevermind 🤦🏻‍♂️

How about cookies with hot cup of chocolate said danielle with house help who had a tray full of different types of cookies and jug full of hot chocolate with marshmallow

Finchy- oh just what we need!

Danielle - dev, suyash, nav, baaz, washy, josh and zampa don't shy alright feel free to take whatever you want.

Maxi - hey that's unfair, you didn't tell it to us

AB- oh because even without telling you would have been a hooligan!

Maxi - you didn't make sense!?

Dale- Faf why did you call us all here?

Faf- oh ya, I want us to celebrate

AB- what that you lost lats piece of brain?

Faf- Virat's Birthday jackass

AB- right!? It's in the corner right? But as always wont ICT be on it already?

Faf- so they always do don't they? This time if they want they join us but we can plan! I happen to grow fond of that brat

Dale- you don't call him brat

Finch- oh sure I can! You should see him play against Us like he is in some war and launching bombs against us!? Can't he go easy on us?!

Morris - even having half of SA team as his bestie he never went easy on us! And you are Aussies so don't expect

Maxi - hey I'm offended

AB sir Jaspreet bhai is calling me said siraj

Finch- pick up the call let's here what's it about

Ab- it's not a good idea

Dale- shut it AB

Jas- hey si, ro bhai wants to talk to you

Siraj- hello Rohit Bhai

Rohit - he siri, how you doing kiddo

Siraj- good, bhai app

Rohit - okay, so listen you know we have your vi bhai's birthday coming

Siraj- yes bhiya i remember

Rohit - so we are planning to do something, that idiot technically has forgotten his birthday

Faf whisper - who the fuck forgets his own birthday

Zampa- virat apparently!

Siraj- so what's the plan bhiya

Rohit - simple, we The ICT i mean virat's Real brothers will surprise him

Ab- *whispering* that's offensive

Morris - *whisper* then what are we? This is too much

Rohit - so make sure you keep this to yourself and join us in my farm house

Siraj- bhiya should we include the RCB fam too

Hardik - no no not a chance, vi bhai's birthday is our day. His entire day with his kids. I'm not sharing it with the RCB kids

Zampa- *whispering* he can't do that

Shabaaz- *whispering* so unfair

Jaddu- and not with any other friends of his ofcourse. We are there and it'll be more than enough.

Siraj- so won't bhai suspect us doing something

Jinks- don't worry about that we'll handle it. But this is a secret

Siraj- okay bhiya

Rohit - bye kiddo take care

Faf- see this is why I told you we'll celebrate his birthday this time. We gotta show them Virat belongs to us as well

Nav- but virat bhai's phone is switched off

Finch- they kidnapped him

Maxi- I'm sure certain Rohit Sharma is capable of it

Dale- should we call 911?

Siraj- but why will Rohit bhiya kidnap virat bhiya. They are best friends

Ab- oh we can debate about that later kid, first we need a plan to rescue my biscuit

Dale- guys I think we should call 911

Morris - idiot he's in India! It's not 911 there

Dev- it has to be 100! Should I call

Gayle- no I'll rent some guns. We will go and rescue him ourselves

The kids looked at Chris to see if he was joking but hell no! He was serious

Siraj- but mahi bhai must be there, and he won't let anyone lock virat bhiya

Ab- oh right! Ofcourse, MS must be there

Gayle- but still I'll rent guns for protection

Faf- No Guns Chris

Gayle- you guys are no fun!

AB- so how do we know where he is

He is in Newzealand said Danielle

Faf- how do you know?!

So finally stage set for a WAR!

Let's see what the results of it?!


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