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⚠️Small warning: notice of possible r*pe⚠️

"Oh come on Missy~ We just wanna look~" One of the men said as they drew you closer into the corner of the alleyway. You were walking home from a beach party but three creeps decided to follow you and trying to r*pe you.

"Stay back!" You snapped but they just laughed at you. "Or what? You're gonna smack us with your purse?" The first man laughed and the other two just snickered.

The first man nudged his head towards me, signing the other two to hold onto me as he unbuckled his belt.

"NO PLEASE!! SOMEONE HELP MMMMHMMmmhhhmmmm!!???!!!!" Your cries were muffled by a cloth as the world around you started spinning. "Hush now... you won't feel a thing once you're deep asleep..." You could hear the first man say.


A fourth voice called out, but you couldn't see who it was because you started to black out...

You woke up maybe a small 3 hours later, feeling something wet and cold touching your forehead.

A soft groan escaped your throat and you heard a soft and warm voice call for you.

"Hey there now, take it easy.. You've been out for a while..." The voice whispered, supposedly male.

The light in the room made your eyes hurt, so you squeezed them shut as soon as you opened them.

"Oops, sorry! Shall I dim the lights for you?" The voice asked and you nodded carefully.

As the stranger dimmed the lights for you, you got more conscious about your surroundings. That is for the soft surface beneath you, it was a sofa. You figured that because you felt the arm and backrest supporting your body.

"Can you tell me your name miss?" The stranger asked. "If you can't it's completely understandable, I mean.. being out for 3 hours because of being drugged may had a huge impact on the brain-" He rambled and I fluttered my eyes open, this time not being hurt by the lights.

"Well, in case you can't remember your name for now.. My name is Philippines, or Phil slash Philip, just whatever you're comfortable with." You heard him say and now you could actually see him, you found out why he had such an extraordinary name...

His face was literally the flag of the Philippines! Though it was a bit hard to move the muscles is your face or even your whole body, you looked in slight shock at him.

"Oh, right! You must've never seen a Countryhuman before.. Well, I'm not the only one of course! There are 187 more of me, well- different countries of course, hehe.."

He explained but you only heard the words 'Countryhuman' '187' and 'countries'.

It was all too much for you to process and you started to panic. "Where... A-am I...?!" You managed to get out and you tried to push yourself up but was pushed back by Phil.

"Woah, easy.. easy! No need to be afraid!" He yelped as he tried to calm you down.

"Phil, what's going on?? Is she awake?!" A second voice called from a different room. It was a rather deep voice and I could make out a tall figure with the flag of Indonesia?

"Indo, calm down! She has just awoken, it's all strange for her." Phil defended you.

"Boys, what's going on in here? Are we hiding something from me?" A third voice was added to the room. It was a navy blue country with a red dot in the middle with yellow stripes.

A long silence hang in the room, only my heavy breathing was heard as the two countries looked at the third one.

"A woman? First a messed up sofa, which you horribly replaced with a shitty knockoff one.. Then that one party of two weeks ago and now a woman?!" The navy blue country groaned in annoyance.

"Phil, I've expected better of you-" "Dad, it was me who brought her here." The Indonesian country said interrupting the other.

"You Indonesia?" The navy blue country asked raising an eyebrow. "I'm just as surprised as you dad." Philip said checking up on me the second after he spoke.

The navy blue country glanced at me once again and started to walk over to me. He stopped right in front of me and squatted down to my level.

"Can you sit up?" He asked casually. 'He doesn't seem to want to hurt me..' I thought and with all my strength I pushed myself up. I felt a bit dizzy after but I could manage to keep conscious.

"Can you tell me your name?" He asked in the same tone. I cleared my throat which was very dry and managed to croak out a soft "(Y..y/n)...." and I licked my lips to make them hurt less from dehydration.

The navy blue country nodded. "Alright (y/n), my name is ASEAN. I'm the Association of Southeast Asian Nations but you can say I'm also a father figure for them."

He explained and I nodded. 'Not a country then..' I thought.

"These are only two of my ten 'sons', their names are Philippines and Indonesia. Excuse for Indo's cold personality, he doesn't get out much.." ASEAN explained as Phil snickered at Indonesia.

"Oh shut it old man!" Indo said as he walked away.

"Don't worry (y/n), as long as you stay with Phil or Malaysia you'll be fine." ASEAN smiled as he stood up. "Phil, can you show her her room?" ASEAN asked to Phil and he agreed.

"Yes father!" He smiled and offered you his hand.

"Come on, I'll help you!" He smiled warmly and you accepted his offer. "Thank you.." You croaked out.

This place was huge! It seemed like a mansion, but with different styles. You saw a lot of other countries in the house, one you noticed was Indonesia who only gave you a quick glance.

"Hey Phil! Who's the cute gall you got there?" A sudden voice called. "Laos, please not now.. She's had a very rough time." Phil huffed and Laos shrugged. "I'm just being curious.." He said and walked away.

"Uhm, by the way Laos?" Phil questioned and Laos turned around. "Yes?" He responded. "Have you seen Mal somewhere?" He asked and Laos thought for a second.

"Probably in his room or something. You know how he is." Laos said and walked away once more. "Oh Mal.. Always so enclosed from the world.." Phil sighs as he leads you to your room.

When you two finally arrive there he smiles as he opens the door. "Hope it's enough! We usually don't happen to have a girl over in this condition..." He chuckles nervously.

"It's nice.." You speak and he nods. "Well, if you need anything just call me." He smiles.

"A glass of water would be nice.." You joke and he gasps. "Oh, yes of course!" He says lightly panicking and he rushes off.

1162 words

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