Just the Two of Us, Sort of

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I had to admit, it was liberating walking into school holding Will's hand. Of course it would upset Tiffany, and Rose, that one I didn't mind, but without saying it we had crossed a barrier, we were really together.

Will guided me through the halls, our fingers interlocked, ignoring the glances from every direction. Our bodies hovered close together as he escorted me to my locker, taking turns retrieving our belongings today rather than being separated for even a minute.

During history he did his best to keep his eyes forward, dutifully engaging in the lesson in the most endearing way so he wouldn't distract me from my favorite subject, but knowing what he was doing only made it harder. About halfway through class, my attention drifted in his direction, I could tell he was aware of my gaze and he pressed his mouth into a hard line, raising his hand to a question I hadn't even heard. I bit my lip, and finally the temptation became too much for him, turning to me with a smirk so gorgeous I thought I might melt into my seat. I could see it in those icy blue eyes, we were driving each other wild and it was way too much fun.

The bell rang, freeing us to jump from our seats, his hand grasping mine until we were out of the room. Will, always so chivalrous, placed his hand on the small of my back, escorting me eagerly down a dark, lesser used hallway, that was conveniently empty. Having caught on to what he was doing my heart leapt and fluttered when he finally turned to me, leaning his back against the wall, and glancing in both directions to ensure the coast was clear before wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me into a firm but gentle kiss that had my head spinning. A tremor ran through my body brought on by the fear of getting caught mixed with a shear desire I'd never felt before. My hands clasped at the back of his neck as I pressed up onto my tippy toes, allowing his tongue to push passed my lips. It was a more heated kiss than we'd ever shared, but I could still tell Will was trying to hold back. My hands grasped tighter as he cupped my jaw, both of us breathing heavily, I didn't ever want it to end. 

The bell rang, sending us staggering apart. For a second I had completely forgotten where we were, and Will and I gazed at each other, a mix of amusement and lingering yearning. A glance towards the main hall told us we were maybe the only two people not already in class, and with a grin he wrapped his arm around my waist, kissing the top of my head as we scurried to biology.

 Everyone else was already in their seats which meant all eyes were on us, entering together, our faces still flushed from the heat of the moment. Will, whose seat was closer to the door, settled in first next to Rose, who scowled in my direction, a gesture I enjoyed more than I should have. Then I found Taylor, expecting him to roll his eyes or make a comment that would make me feel stupid, instead he raised his brows, directing a disaffected nod at Will. I turned just in time to see him glower back before turning his attention to the front.

In only a day the dynamic between us had shifted. Before, I was sure that at least some of Taylor's interest in me was a ploy to antagonize his brother, I could see now that I was wrong. If anything he saw Will as an obstacle or inconvenience, and Will was making it clear he knew he was a threat and he wasn't letting his guard down.

"Good morning," I muttered, avoiding Taylor's gaze as I took my seat beside him. I wasn't ashamed of anything that happened between Will and I, but I couldn't help but feel some hesitancy in rubbing it in his face.

"Good morning, beautiful," he whispered back, leaning in so he was speaking directly into my ear.

The intimacy of his gesture caught me off guard, causing my spine to stiffen. My eyes darted to his, but he only replied with a sensuous grin.

My head spun, what were these boys doing to me?

Over his shoulder I caught sight of Will, gritting his teeth as he made his way to the back of the room.

"I'll get the supplies," I announced, jumping from my stool.

To my surprise Taylor only shrugged in response, scribbling something on his paper.

"Hi," I whispered, as I reached the counter, pressing into Will's side.

He gazed down at me as he grasped a bundle of beakers, "hi," he murmured, his attitude seemingly unchanged from when we walked in. My whole body felt warm and I considered for a second a repeat of our time in the hall.

Will let out a laugh, and I realized I was about to chew a hole in my lip. "See you soon," he whispered, turning to head back to his seat.

With him gone I suddenly remembered to breath, whatever Taylor was trying to do, Will was making it clear he wasn't going to let it affect us. With that reassurance I quickly gathered up what I needed and returned to my table, dispersing the items evenly between us without a word. Somehow Will's confidence in us had rubbed off on me, and I felt certain I could brush off Taylor's advances, maybe even without disrupting the unusual friendship we had developed.

Even more surprising was how normal Taylor acted throughout the rest of class. Of course he would slide the occasional compliment into conversation, but it was such a reduction from his normal level that I almost didn't notice.

"See you in study hall," he said evenly, as the bell rang. Of course he couldn't say anything without a lurid smile, but that was beginning to feel normal.

"See you," I said back, stashing my belongings away into my binder.

Will was leaned beside the door, allowing the rest of the class to sift by his tall frame as he waited for me to emerge, and I slid through the crowd, grabbing his hand and tugging him into the hall. Had it really only been a day since I watched Tiffany shuffle through this hall hand in hand with Taylor?

"What's wrong?" Will asked, using his body to block a handful of guys who sprinted past us, laughing idiotically, from bumping into me.

"Oh, nothing," I replied shaking my head. "Just wondering if Tiffany will ever talking to me again."

He nodded knowingly, continuing to guide us through the crowded hall. "She'll come around, hopefully," he replied, raising one corner of his mouth.

With a long breath I pursed my lips, anxious to even bring it up, but a part of me needed to know what had transpired."You split Taylors lip," I winced, trying to make it sound like a question.

Will's broad chest raised, inhaling purposefully, "I did," he said, letting it out.

I could only nod in response, of course I had already known that, but admitting that meant telling him about Taylor being at my house the night before.

"He shouldn't have forced himself on you the way he did yesterday," he shrugged, and I could see that while he didn't doubt his feelings, he might have doubted his actions.

"I don't feel the same way for Taylor that I do for you," I said hesitantly, watching him out of the corner of my eye.

Will smirked, pausing to look down at me. "You mean, like you only want me to be your boyfriend?"

My breath hitched in my throat, I could already feel how strong our connection was, I knew Will didn't like anyone else, but hearing him say the words still gave me an unexpected thrill.

"Yes," I chirped, trying not to make my excitement too obvious.

His grin widened, revealing his perfect white teeth and he took hold of my hands, turning me to face him. "Then that's what I am," he said, pulling me into him.

As difficult as it was when his lips were on mine I reminded myself of the crowd of people circulating around us and dropped my hands to my sides, prying my mouth from his with a muted gasp.

"Good," I whispered, our faces still inches apart. If Will was trying to make me forget my problems it was working, I wasn't sure I'd be able to think of anything but him every again.

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