Prolouge "The Story Begins" [pt.1] (REMASTERED)

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((Asks/Dares for Goldie/Evan And Cassidy are open.))

◇our story begins after the fnaf pizzeria sim fire.◇

☆it was a quiet night, sirens of firetrucks still echoed through the area. The crackle of fresh embers like the chirping of crickets. The pizzeria that once stood here now reduced to a pile of rubble and ash.☆

☆an animatronic then appeared in what remained of the parking lot. A golden yellow bear, stuck in a broken down position. In it's hollow eyesockets two lights appeared. One light a vibrant crimson red. The other a soft sky blue. Two spirits contained in one vessel. Breaking the silence one of them spoke.☆

Cassidy: "so... it's finally over then."

☆then the other spirit spoke. The blue light flashing as they spoke.☆

Evan: "Cass... are you sure you want to go through with what you're planning?"

Cassidy: "yes. That monster will come back if we don't do something. He's just like us. The fire hurt him, but won't kill him."

Evan: "i wish you'd call him will and not monster. He's not a bad person once you know him. Those murders weren't him. I could tell. He wasn't himself."

Cassidy: *sigh* "reguardless if it was him or not, that was still his body who did the crimes. He must face the consiquences."

Evan: "well, just try not to take it too far ok cass?"

Cassidy: "i won't."

Evan: "also, if you find mike can you send him my way?"

Cassidy: "why do you want to see him? Didn't he kill you, and on your birthday no less?"

Evan: "that was ages ago cass. It's pointless to hold a grudge for this long."

Cassidy: "i know what you're trying to do evs."

Evan: "is it working?"

Cassidy: "no, but if i do find mike i'll make sure he knows how to find you."

Evan: "thanks cass. Is charlie still around? I can't sense her presence in the rubble."

Cassidy: "i think she is still around evs. She must've survived and gone to repair herself. There's a fazbear engineering plant not far from here."

Evan: "well, atleast i know one of my friends are still around. I wish you'd stay with me cass, all this hate isn't healthy."

Cassidy: "i didn't ask for a therapy session evs. I have to do this. He must pay for his crimes."

Evan: "well... before you go, can you tell me how to teleport? You were always better at it."

Cassidy: "just think of where you want to go and concentrate on it. Just remember you can't teleport to areas you can't see."

Evan: "ok. Goodbye cassidy."

☆The red light dissapeared, then a red smoke billowed from the left eyesocket and poured out onto the ground. Then a small figure materialized from the smoke, about the size of a child. Then it took on the appearance of a little girl with black hair, and red eyes. Wearing a yellow shirt and tan shorts.☆

☆the figure then glanced back at the broken down animatronic.☆

Cassidy: "Goodbye Evan Afton, take good care of golden freddy for me."

Evan: "i will."

☆the spirit then vanished. The red fog following them, seeping into the ground. Evan then tried his best to make the animatronic move normally. It's circuits whining and creaking from ages of staying still. Then evan moved towards the rubble. Searching for anything that survived the flames.☆

☆Almost nothing survived except for a few things. The tan colored freddy mask mike wore to hide his rotting face. It was now covered in singe marks and soot. Then the other thing was a metal box with a tag attached, oddly the tag was adressed to him.☆

☆Evan opened the box. Inside was a note and a flash drive. The letter said:.. "Dear evan, i know you are the other soul inside golden freddy. By the time you find this letter you should be the only soul in that suit. Inside this box is a flash drive. Contained on it are plans for a new body for you. Plug it into my terminal at the engineering plant nearby. Then press y. Charlie told me that you wanted to stay, that like her you wanted no part in cassidy's plans for revenge. So i designed new bodies for you both. Built to be more durable to handle your supernatural abilites. Signed Henry Emily." Evan stared at the note for a bit then folded it up and took it and the flash drive.☆

☆Evan then looked up at the stars and spoke.☆

Evan: "thank you henry, where ever you are up there."

☆the joints of the old animatronic creaked and whined. Smoke starting to appear from the gaps in it's fabric outer costume. It took a while, but evan finally made it to the engineering plant. He had to be quick, his current body wouldn't last much longer.☆

☆Walking in through a rusted and broken gap in the outer fence, evan slowly entered the plant. Heading inside the building, evan followed a flight of stairs up to henry's old office. Once at the door the animatronic finally gave out. Smoke pouring out of every joint. Evan materialized himself, blue mist pouring from the animatronic's right eyesocket then forming a figure. The figure then appearing as a little boy with black hair, wearing a dark blue shirt with white stripes, and a pair of blue shorts.☆

☆evan took the usb stick out of the animatronic's hand, then entered henry's old office. He then followed the note's intructions. Plugging the usb into the computer. The computer then showed a prompt: "initiate assembly? Y/N" evan pressed y like the note had told him to do.☆

☆Downstairs the animatronic assembly line whirred to life. Mechanical arms grabbed sheets of metal. Sparks flew and light flashed as plasma torches cut into the fresh metal. The whirr of pneumatic drills boreing into metal. Now all evan had to do was wait.☆

☆hours soon passed, slowly but surely the sounds of active machinery died down. Then there was a "Ping!" As the computer displayed a new prompt. "Assembly complete." Evan went downstairs. At the end of the assembly line was his new body.☆

☆this new animatronic had no a.i installed. Left empty on purpose so evan could control it with no issues. It resembled fredbear, though considerably smaller. The hat and bowtie were also black, similar to his old body which cassidy had dubbed "Golden freddy". There were a few other differences besides the size. Unlike previous animatronic models, this new one had no visible animatronic devices. All near perfectly seamless, with the exception of faint seam lines. The outer costume was different as well, being made of a durable faux fur. The last differences evan noticed was a tail and pawpads on both the hands and feet.☆

☆Evan took a deep breath, then slowly turned into a blue mist which entered the animatronic. Evan now posessing his new body examined himself. Opening and closing his hands. Stretching out, generally testing his new body. Everything felt almost real. The servos in the joints were completely silent and moved effortlessly. Sensors throughout the fabric layer of the animatronic allowed him to feel. Able to feel the tophat on his head and the bowtie around his neck. It was as if he was alive again.☆

☆Evan was in awe of just how well put together and thought out his new body had been. Then he heard something, someone... with a "Buzz" then a "Hum" the lights in the building flickered on. Evan was now looking at 3 of the plant's workers. 2 engineers and one night guard.☆

To Be Continued....

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